Monday, 5 March 2018

Geradores de riqueza forex

Os geradores de riqueza são um esquema de pirâmide? Sim. & # 8211; Leia aqui por que!
Os geradores de riqueza são um esquema de pirâmide? Sim. & # 8211; Leia aqui por que!
Os geradores de riqueza são um esquema de pirâmide? Muitas pessoas nos fizeram essa pergunta, então decidimos escrever esta revisão para você. Os geradores de riqueza têm mais de 40.000 membros em todo o mundo em 40 países diferentes, mas você não deve ser cegado pelos grandes números.
Como diz o velho ditado, tudo o que resplandece sempre será ouro. Embora tenham grandes promessas, não é garantia de algo maior.
Tenho certeza de que você apreciará sua revisão honesta.
Revisão dos geradores de riqueza.
Ranking geral: 5 de 100.
Aposto que você está interessado em ganhar dinheiro online. Dê uma olhada na minha Recomendação My # 1, classificação geral 98 de 100. Esse programa me ensinou e quase 1.000.000 outras pessoas a ganhar renda on-line.
O que é gerador de riqueza?
A Wealth Generators é uma empresa de Marketing Multi-Level (MLM) que vende uma ferramenta comercial. Eles prometem que seu software lhe dará um enorme retorno sobre seus investimentos com 1-2 horas de trabalho por mês.
Se honestamente pensamos, sua afirmação é ridícula. Muitos investidores profissionais em Wall Street estão usando pelo menos 40-50 horas por semana, tentando obter lucro. Como um programa simples pode fazer tal diferença? Eu tenho alguma experiência como investidor e posso dizer que você pode ganhar um bom dinheiro com pouco trabalho. Mas não acontece rapidamente, mesmo que você tenha um software mágico.
Quão rápido o investidor mais bem sucedido do mundo, Warren Buffet, gerou sua riqueza? Em +70 anos, investindo em empresas valiosas. Mesmo que ele seja o melhor, não aconteceu da noite para o dia. Foram necessárias muitas décadas.
Quando eu segui o esquema de investimento por um tempo, notei quais são os conselhos de investimento mais comuns:
Dê seu dinheiro para nós.
E isso é o que os geradores de riqueza estão tentando fazer também.
= & gt; Cansado de golpes? Aprenda a ganhar dinheiro HONESTO online sem recrutar ninguém!
Os geradores de riqueza são um embuste?
Eles lhe dão uma plataforma de negociação Forex e & # 8220; treinamento & # 8221; isso é suposto fazer você um grande dinheiro em um curto período de tempo. No entanto, você pode baixar um software de negociação Forex também gratuitamente na Internet. As empresas estão dando gratuitamente, porque então eles ganharão comissões quando uma pessoa trocar dinheiro lá.
Mesmo que o seu produto seja suposto concentrar-se no treinamento, seu foco principal, como em todos os MLMs, é o recrutamento de novas pessoas. Prefiro o marketing afiliado, porque você não precisa recrutar pessoas novas. Você pode fornecer um ótimo valor para outras pessoas e ajudá-las genuinamente.
O órgão regulador da Superintendencia Financiera da Colômbia alegou em dezembro de 2018 que o Wealth Generators é um esquema de pirâmide. O CSF é semelhante à Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC) dos Estados Unidos. É uma agência governamental colombiana que supervisiona a regulamentação financeira e os sistemas de mercado. Se os funcionários do governo colombiano já estão afirmando que o Wealth Generators é um esquema de pirâmide, não vou me opor.
Quantas pessoas pertencem aos geradores de riqueza?
Como eles conseguiram tantas pessoas?
Sempre me pergunto como tantas pessoas entram nos MLMs. As promessas de enriquecer rápido devem parecer tão interessantes que as pessoas estão prontas a arriscar por algumas centenas de dólares por isso. Então eles percebem que nunca receberão seu dinheiro de volta se eles não recrutar pessoas novas. Os líderes fazem você acreditar que este é um bom sistema e que eventualmente funcionará.
Então, novas pessoas estão perdendo dinheiro até recrutar novos e assim por diante. Uma das razões pelas quais os MLMs se espalham para muitos países é provavelmente porque, em um país novo, as pessoas não sabem disso é uma farsa. Mas hoje em dia temos a Internet, então você deve sempre verificar algumas avaliações se alguém estiver vendendo algum esquema rico e rápido.
Se alguém lhe disser que eles ganharam muito dinheiro com o Wealth Generators ou com outros MLM, não conta que um sistema seria legítimo ou valioso. Mesmo os traficantes de drogas estão fazendo muito dinheiro, mas são suas ações dando valor a outras pessoas? A verdade é que mais de 80% das pessoas nunca ganham dinheiro depois de se juntarem a um sistema MLM e 99% ganham menos do que um salário médio.
Pense em você e seus 99 amigos. Se todos vocês se juntassem ao MLM, apenas um de vocês ganharia um bom dinheiro em média. E a maioria de vocês perderia a maior parte do seu dinheiro.
Os sistemas MLM excitam as pessoas porque é sempre algo novo e diferente e # 8221 ;. Eles têm um sentimento de ser seu próprio chefe por um tempo. É algo muito diferente dos seus trabalhos normais de 9-5 onde eles conhecem as rotinas e tudo é o mesmo. Mas um trabalho de dia normal é em 99% dos casos mais lucrativos que os sistemas MLM.
Plano de Compensação de Geradores de Riqueza & # 8211; Pernas e Downlines.
Este video explica por que tantas pessoas se juntaram aos geradores de riqueza. Eles estão intrigados com o plano de compensação porque seus membros fazem parecer tão bom.
AVISO: Este vídeo está aqui apenas para fins educacionais. Tenha cuidado com o material promocional no vídeo.
Qual é o preço dos geradores de riqueza?
Uma característica importante de um esquema de pirâmide é que seus produtos são muito superiores ao seu valor real. Este é o caso dos geradores de riqueza. Aqui estão os preços dos principais produtos.
Preços Caros dos Geradores de Riqueza.
Como você pode ver, mesmo os seus produtos mais baratos custam US $ 149,99 por mês, o que equivale a US $ 1.800 / ano. Eu não conheço você, mas eu não colocaria meu dinheiro em um sistema que tivesse uma reputação muito ruim. Há muitas outras análises na Internet que revelam que o Wealth Generators não é nada mais que um programa MLM quase ilegal.
Eles prometem o reembolso TRIPLE se você não estiver ganhando dinheiro com seu sistema com 6 meses. Isso parece uma boa razão para se juntar aos geradores de riqueza. Mas você sabe o que? Eles têm regras muito rígidas que dizem como alguém poderia obter um reembolso. Essas regras simplesmente significam que ninguém pode realmente receber um reembolso.
Conclusão & # 8211; Os geradores de riqueza são um esquema de pirâmide?
Sim, isso parece ser nada mais do que um esquema típico da pirâmide. Muito hype sem qualquer valor significativo. Se você está interessado em fazer dinheiro real online, eu recomendo ficar muito longe em esquemas de pirâmide e MLMs.
Minha recomendação # 1 para ganhar a vida online é Wealthy Affiliate por vários motivos:
1. O seu potencial de ganhos é ilimitado.
2. Você aprenderá habilidades reais.
3. Você pode fornecer um valor importante para outras pessoas.
4. Eles oferecem um suporte muito bom.
5. Você obterá todas as ferramentas de negócios on-line que você precisa.
e 6. Você pode começar totalmente grátis.
Rich Affiliate ensina você a construir um negócio real em linha em vez de recrutar pessoas em MLMs sombrios.
Campo: Ganhar dinheiro online - Programas.
Ranking geral: 5 de 100.
Você já tentou geradores de riqueza ou outras empresas MLM? Quais foram os seus resultados?
Deixe-me saber nos comentários abaixo! 🙂
Geradores de Riqueza.
Ranking geral.
Pelo menos eles lhe dão um software livre.
Esquema de pirâmide onde apenas os fundadores se tornam ricos Promessas falsas Um esquema MLM típico.
Compartilhe esta história, escolha sua plataforma!
Sobre o autor: Roope Kiuttu.
12 Comentários.
Oi Roope, obrigado pela revisão.
Eu tentei criar uma conta com afiliado de riqueza, mas não poderia, meu país (nigeria) não era suportado. Qual outro negócio online seria de grande satisfação? por favor, precise do seu amável conselho.
a conta gratuita não está disponível em todos os países por causa do uso indevido, mas a conta premium do Rich Affiliate está disponível em todo o mundo, incluindo a Nigéria. Então, você sempre pode usar esse se quiser aprender a ganhar dinheiro online com a ajuda de seu treinamento passo a passo.
Você acabou de dar 5 em 100?
Preciso ler toda a revisão dos geradores de riqueza? Eu não penso assim. Eu vi sua classificação e o campo do programa (que é MLM) e eu desmaiei todo o artigo.
Se o revisor dá uma classificação ruim, por que devo dedicar tempo na leitura do artigo. Além disso, se o programa é MLM, o que não me interessa, por que eu deveria incomodar ler um artigo sobre um programa MLM.
Sim, melhor apenas ficar longe desse programa.
Minha primeira pergunta é: Você tentou geradores de riqueza antes de publicar isso?
Por que eu investir meu dinheiro em um programa como este? Prefiro formas mais legítimas de ganhar dinheiro online.
Se eu comprasse seu sistema, eu apoiaria suas ações financeiramente. Eu não quero fazer isso.
Definitivamente certo Roope .. Eu não encontrei apoio suficiente através do seu site sobre o que era o Wealth Generators.
sim, verdade. Eu simplesmente ficaria longe desse tipo de sistemas suspeitos e me concentrar em programas confiáveis ​​de ganhar dinheiro em linha, como o Affiliate Wealthy ou Chris Farrell Membership.
Eles provaram trabalhar e muitas pessoas conseguiram criar uma renda em tempo integral (e muito mais) com esses sistemas.
Desejo o sucesso para seus empreendimentos comerciais! Deixe-me saber se você precisa de alguma ajuda.
Obrigado pela revisão detalhada dos geradores de riqueza. Você bateu o prego na cabeça: como na Terra esses MLMs sobrevivem? ESPECIALMENTE, agora que todos sabem o que é uma pirâmide ou um esquema de ponzi e, do mesmo modo, espero que essa informação ajude alguém a considerar isso como uma fonte legítima de renda, porque a única coisa que parece é um poço de dinheiro!
Sim, esse sistema não é um negócio muito legítimo. É como jogar dinheiro para os proprietários e na esperança de recuperar algo.
Eu recomendo Softwares ricos e outros programas legítimos que ensinam habilidades reais como ganhar dinheiro online. Qualquer um pode aprender e fazer uma renda passiva sustentável online.
Outro MLM muito caro, como você disse exatamente como a maioria deles. Eu não conheço quem se apaixonaria por isso. Você pode imaginar tentar obter sua família e amigos para comprar isso como você fez? Quão incompreensíveis seriam essas conversas?
Não há nenhum produto de software lá fora que possa torná-lo rico. Nenhum.
Eu ficarei certo e ficarei livre de Geradores de Riqueza. Obrigado por outra excelente revisão da Roope. Realmente bem feito.
Você tem pensamentos muito semelhantes a mim sobre geradores de riqueza. Eu também aprendi que não existe um software que possa tornar alguém rico. É preciso sempre fazer sua própria parte e colocar esforços para ter sucesso. No entanto, existem algumas ferramentas úteis para investir e fazer dinheiro online que pode acelerar o processo.
Deixe um comentário Cancelar resposta.
Olá, meu nome é Roope Kiuttu e eu sou o fundador da sua receita on-line. Eu sou um cara regular da Finlândia que viaja em todo o mundo enquanto faz minha vida on-line. Neste site, eu vou te ensinar a ganhar dinheiro online. Você pode começar rapidamente com este treinamento passo a passo (20 aulas GRATUITAS disponíveis).
Siga-me no YouTube.
Minha recomendação # 1.
© Copyright 2018 - | Sua receita on-line | Todos os direitos reservados | Política de Privacidade.
Trading CFDs traz risco considerável de perda de capital.

Geradores de riqueza Forex
A FxOnE oferece uma experiência de mercado interativa diferente de qualquer outra.
Desenvolva suas próprias habilidades de Forex ou simplesmente siga os especialistas.
FxOnE é um dos produtos Forex mais excitantes e interativos da Wealth Generators.
Live FX Opções Binárias Sessões de Negociação Forex Trade Alerts Forex Education and Training.
A sessão de negociação de opções binárias FxOnE alavanca estratégias de curto prazo para dar resultados imediatos em uma quantidade relativamente curta de tempo dedicado. As sessões de negociação são muitas vezes tão curtas quanto 15 minutos, ao mesmo tempo que oferecem retornos excitantes e geralmente lucrativos!
Com os Alertas comerciais Forex da FxOnE, nossos especialistas fazem toda a pesquisa e análise e fornecem essa informação por meio de alertas e e-mail. Uma vida de experiência colocada diretamente em suas mãos. A FxOnE oferece estratégias comerciais exclusivas e treinamento em Forex detalhado.
As sessões de treino FxOnE centram-se principalmente na educação comercial e na análise de mercado. As sessões também serão gravadas para que você possa revisar a sua conveniência.
Nota: Moedas de negociação e opções binárias envolve risco, incluindo o risco de perder parte, tudo ou mais do que o dinheiro investido. O desempenho passado não é indicativo de resultados futuros. Os membros usam as ferramentas e estratégias de negociação de geradores de riqueza por sua conta e risco.
1.888.778.5372 | Das 10h às 19h do leste.
Wealth Generators LLC 12 South 400 West Salt Lake City Utah 84101.
WG Germany GmbH Am Klagesmarkt 29-30, 30519 Hannover, Alemanha.
A Wealth Generators LLC é uma subsidiária integral da Investview (OTC: INVU)

Receba três boletins de alerta de comércio:
[clique aqui para ver como podemos cobrir sua taxa de inscrição]
Ao aplicar o método "Mirror the Expert" geradores de riqueza, você está exposto ao FOREX de uma maneira totalmente única. Nenhum software caro, gráficos ou salas de comércio. Não precisa estar vinculado ao seu computador durante as horas de negociação. Nossa equipe de especialistas utiliza eventos técnicos, fundamentais, principais do calendário e eventos atuais para desenvolver negócios que aproveitam essas condições. Nossos especialistas compartilham sua entrada comercial, stop loss e metas de lucro para que você possa acompanhar e ver EXATAMENTE o que é o risco / recompensa! O WG Forex permite que qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar, participe em nossos mercados monetários globais.
E para aqueles de vocês que não querem "espelhar" o especialista, mas, na verdade, querem aprender como e por trás do comércio - nós o temos coberto! As salas de negociação semanais ao vivo, os vídeos educacionais e as sessões do Market Expert, permitem que você aprenda, interaja e aprimore suas próprias habilidades de negociação.
O mercado de câmbio (forex ou FX para breve) é um dos mercados mais emocionantes e acelerados ao redor. Até recentemente, a negociação FOREX no mercado de divisas era domínio de grandes instituições financeiras, corporações, bancos centrais, hedge funds e indivíduos extremamente ricos. O surgimento da internet mudou tudo isso, e agora será possível comprar e vender moedas usando o método "Espelho experiente" do Gerador de riqueza.
Comece com mínimos mínimos da conta Moedas comerciais no mercado global Comércio 24 horas por dia, 5 dias por semana Comércio com baixos custos de transação Converta ativos em dinheiro com alta liquidez Aproveite a alavancagem à medida que troca.
FX Active Alerts.
O FX Active é perfeito para aqueles que gostam do ritmo acelerado dos mercados cambiais. Espera-se que esses negócios durem algumas horas até um dia. FX Os negócios ativos podem ser emitidos a qualquer hora do dia, pois as trocas de moeda estão ativas em todo o mundo 24 horas 5 dias por semana.
FX Swing Alerts.
FX Swing estratégias devem durar alguns dias a algumas semanas. Nossos especialistas do mercado aproveitam as condições econômicas mundiais, as notícias agendadas e os padrões técnicos para oferecer estratégias que tenham uma maior previsibilidade de mudança em uma direção esperada.
Alertas de Macro FX.
FX Macro são estratégias com uma visão mais ampla dos mercados de moeda. Eles são projetados para durar algumas semanas a alguns meses, uma vez que eles contribuem para desenvolver preocupações e tendências devido a eventos geopolíticos.
Não fala inglês? Sem problemas. Nossos alertas de newsletter vêm em três idiomas diferentes:
Inglês, espanhol e japonês.
Veja nossos planos de membros e comece a gerar riqueza.
1.888.778.5372 | Das 10h às 19h do leste.
Wealth Generators LLC 12 South 400 West Salt Lake City Utah 84101.
WG Germany GmbH Am Klagesmarkt 29-30, 30519 Hannover, Alemanha.
A Wealth Generators LLC é uma subsidiária integral da Investview (OTC: INVU)

Os geradores de riqueza são um embuste?
Geradores de riqueza afirmam que podem mudar sua paisagem financeira para o resto de sua vida. Não tenho dúvidas de que sua filosofia mudará sua paisagem financeira para o resto de sua vida, simplesmente não da maneira que você espera. Há muito o que eles não dizem. Continue lendo para ver o Diabo nos detalhes.
Clique aqui e # 8211; Nós podemos ensinar a alguém como construir um negócio online bem sucedido!
Nome do Produto: Geradores de Riqueza.
Site do produto: geradores de riqueza.
Custo do produto: $ 99,99 taxa única, $ 129 + por mês.
Proprietários de produtos: Ryan Smith, Chad Miller, Annette Raynor, Mario Romano.
Os geradores de riqueza são um embuste?
Na melhor das hipóteses, o Wealth Generators é um MLM que vende conselhos financeiros. Como um MLM, ele prospera em recrutar pessoas para a organização e exige que paguem taxas de adesão mensais caras. Eu suspeito que a verdadeira natureza dos geradores de riqueza é mais sinistra.
O site do Wealth Generators implica que eles podem torná-lo rico, mas provavelmente as únicas pessoas se tornando ricas são as pessoas no topo.
Os geradores de riqueza são um esquema de pirâmide?
. . . um esquema de pirâmide força seus membros a pagar dinheiro pelo direito de vender um produto. (FTC)
Apenas uma equipe jurídica da FTC pode determinar de forma conclusiva se o Wealth Generators é um esquema de pirâmide. A verdadeira questão não é se o Wealth Generators é um esquema de pirâmide. A verdadeira questão é que a Wealth Generators é ideal para você?
Quando você visita o site do Wealth Generators, você notará que a única coisa que é clara sobre isso é a mensagem implícita que irá ajudá-lo a tornar-se rico. À medida que se arrisca mais no site, fica confuso. Scammers usam confusão como um cirurgião com uma faca. Nunca invoque seu tempo ou seu dinheiro em algo que você não entende.
Com base em informações do site da Comissão de Comércio Federal, eu suspeito que os Geradores de Riqueza são um esquema de pirâmide por estas razões;
Os recrutadores de geradores de riqueza devem comprar o direito de vender produtos e serviços. Embora este detalhe esteja nublado em linguagem protegida, é claro que um recruta deve manter um nível específico de compras mensais para ganhar comissões. Alguns dos conselhos e serviços financeiros promovidos pela Wealth Generators contradizem os principais princípios de investimento e senso comum. Os geradores de riqueza promovem o comércio de Forex. A maioria das pessoas perde dinheiro quando tentam FOREX. O site do Wealth Generators implica serviços financeiros profissionais, mas sua descrição no BBB afirma que eles são apenas editores de assessoria financeira.
Um olhar mais atento aos geradores de riqueza.
Antes de ganhar dinheiro com o plano de compensação de Geradores de Riqueza, você deve manter um volume específico de vendas, incluindo volume pessoal ou PV, o que significa que você deve comprar os produtos e serviços antes de poder ganhar comissões de vendê-los.
Os produtos e serviços dos geradores de riqueza são caros e o plano de compensação é confuso. Provavelmente será muito difícil encontrar pessoas que comprariam.
Um dos métodos que os geradores de riqueza promove para criar riqueza é a negociação FOREX. Isso é loucura. No Wall Street Journal, Joshua Brown, vice-presidente de investimentos da Fusion Analytics Investment Partners LLC, uma empresa de gerenciamento de ativos em Nova York, disse isso sobre o comércio FOREX:
& # 8220; eu acho que os indivíduos devem alocar zero dólares para a negociação de moeda [FOREX]. Para ir a uma corretora on-line e pensar que você está fazendo algo mais do que o jogo é tolo. & # 8221; (WSJ)
Em seu site, os geradores de riqueza se apresentam como consultores financeiros profissionais com uma visão privilegiada dos mercados. No entanto, na sua entrada no Better Business Bureau, eles se descrevem como simplesmente um editor de informações.
Esta empresa oferece Educação Financeira e Estratégias de Negociação & # 8211; Nós somos classificados como um editor de informações & # 8230 ;, Além disso, nossos clientes podem encaminhar outros, e eles são compensados ​​por trazer outros para o nosso programa. (BBB)
O último Word sobre geradores de riqueza.
Geradores de riqueza é uma maneira muito cara de tentar construir riqueza. Pagar $ 129 ou mais por mês para aprender a viver em um orçamento é como queimar a casa para pagar a hipoteca.
Se você está interessado em criar riqueza, leia livros sobre orçamentação, gerenciamento financeiro pessoal e investimento em valor. O investimento vem depois que você aprendeu a viver com um orçamento e depois de ter economizado dinheiro suficiente para vê-lo através de emergências. Veja meu artigo Como investir.
Criar riqueza começa com o gerenciamento de seu dinheiro, vivendo em um orçamento, e apenas investindo dinheiro, você não precisará.
Pagar as taxas mensais para ser um membro da Wealth Generators e perseguir seus amigos para vender suas associações não o tornará rico. Isso vai fazer você quebrar e soltar.
O melhor investimento que você pode fazer é investir em si mesmo. Isso é tão perto de uma coisa certa como você vai encontrar.
Outro bom investimento é criar seu próprio negócio. Um negócio on-line é acessível e, com o imenso poder de alavanca da internet, ele pode pagar retornos fenomenais. No entanto, requer paciência, compromisso e treinamento adequado. Se você construir um negócio on-line em torno de algo que você gosta, é divertido, e ganha dinheiro.
Se você quiser saber mais sobre a criação de um negócio on-line da maneira correta, eu recomendo que você inscreva-se no Curso de Certificação de Empresário Online GRATUITO.
Eu estou aqui para você,
Se você achou este artigo útil, deixe um comentário abaixo. Obrigado!
Procurando uma maneira de ganhar dinheiro online?
Recomendamos o Curso de Certificação de Empreendedores Online - Inscreva-se GRATUITAMENTE!
Obrigado. Um e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para sua caixa de entrada.
Algo deu errado.
O Sr. Bright Okwukwe N. diz.
Olá, Sr. Gary, alguém acabou de apresentar o Wealth Generator para mim, agora é persuasivo, eu me junto, qual é o seu conselho gentil, porque eu perdi uma enorme quantidade de dinheiro há dois anos no MLM, da qual minha esposa me lembra o anterior eventos, que continuam a caçar-me para não dar mais passos no negócio online. Agradeço o seu amável conselho para se juntar ou esquecer.
Aguarda sua resposta.
Gary Horton diz.
Infelizmente, Wealthy Generators não é a oportunidade que pretende ser. Eu recomendaria que você reduza suas perdas e não lhes dê mais um centavo. Lembro-me de ouvir que a esposa continua lembrando sua experiência passada com o MLM. Isso pode ser muito prejudicial para a confiança de um homem. O fato de você ter tentado o MLM me diz que está disposto a correr o risco de melhorar sua vida e a vida de sua família. Essa é uma ambição honrosa. Ninguém está bem na primeira vez. Todas as pessoas bem-sucedidas que conheço falharam muitas, muitas vezes a caminho do sucesso. É a parte do processo de aprendizagem.
Perdi uma vez $ 2,500 em uma fraude. Conheço pessoas que perderam centenas de milhares de dólares porque confiaram na pessoa errada. Até conheci um homem que perdeu US $ 15 milhões! Perguntei-lhe se isso doía e ele disse, & # 8220; Toda vez que eu tenho que ir trabalhar. & # 8221; Antes de morrer, ele ganhou isso de volta e muito mais.
Eu tentei quatro empresas MLM diferentes e não recomendo nenhuma delas. MLM é um modelo de negócios altamente ineficiente e maduro para golpes e exploração. Na melhor das hipóteses, quando você se junta a um MLM, você é forçado a construir um negócio dentro de um negócio. Você está essencialmente fazendo o marketing para o MLM gratuitamente. Mesmo se você é o melhor dos melhores e os melhores ativos na organização MLM, eles podem levar tudo de você em um instante. Não é seu.
Você faria muito melhor para construir seu próprio negócio on-line fora de qualquer outra organização. Dessa forma, você será dono dele e controlá-lo. Existem inúmeras oportunidades para ganhar dinheiro online como afiliado e não tem muito para começar. Eu recomendo que você inscreva-se no Treinamento Empreendedor Online. É grátis e ensino algumas das capacitações.
No treinamento gratuito e no treinamento depois, você aprenderá habilidades valiosas para construir um negócio on-line que você possui, e você terá um apoio abundante. Não há motivo para gastar muito dinheiro para aprender a ter sucesso online.
Sr. Bright O, desculpe, não vi seu comentário até hoje. Eu agradeço sua paciência.
Obrigada por apareceres,
Gary, eu concordo com você que o Wealth Generators é uma fraude.
Mas MLMs reais não são uma farsa. Como eles poderiam ser um? Eles estão vendendo produtos para clientes e, se você for bom o suficiente, você pode criar uma grande organização.
Para ser honesto, uma grande quantidade de pessoas não conseguirá construir uma organização em sua empresa, porque eles não têm habilidades, trabalho ou mesmo a vontade de ter sucesso suficiente. Adivinha o que você tem que falhar muito para se levantar do resto. É em todos os modelos de negócio o mesmo.
O que a maioria dos MLMS eles apenas promovem a construção de uma organização enorme, vamos dizer recrutar o maior número possível.
Eu, para mim, eu quero clientes reais, se alguém quiser construir um negócio comigo, com certeza vou ajudá-los, mas os clientes reais estão onde está o dinheiro.
Você pode ganhar muito mais dinheiro com 1000 clientes do que com 10000 parceiros. Como o cliente 1000 comprará o produto todos os meses, 10000 sócios prosperam para o dinheiro, então eles nem comprarão um produto se eles não ganharem dinheiro dentro da empresa.
IT & # 8217; s como a fênix, a fênix tem que queimar para subir.
Gary Horton diz.
Agradeço o seu comentário e por nos lembrar que o fracasso é realmente parte da jornada para o sucesso. Um comerciante do Internet que eu respeito recentemente me disse que devemos esperar para falhar e eu tenho que concordar.
No entanto, não compartilho sua perspectiva sobre MLMs, mesmo que tecnicamente não sejam fraudes. O modelo de negócios é ineficiente e mesmo se você tiver sucesso com isso, você construiu um negócio dentro de outro negócio que outra pessoa possui. Um MLM sempre pode alterar as regras, roubar seu downline e arrancar você. Leia os termos de serviço / aviso de responsabilidade para qualquer MLM e você verá se reservar o direito de destruir seus distribuidores. Isso acontece com regularidade consistente na indústria. A história do MLM remonta a cinquenta anos e o caminho está cheio de cinzas de vidas arruinadas, relacionamentos e finanças.
Obrigada por apareceres,
Os esquemas MLM parecem estar em todos os lugares e seu marketing é tão liso e as pessoas enganosas sempre se apaixonam por isso (incluindo eu).
Eu ainda não entendo que tipo de geradores de riqueza de serviços devem estar fornecendo outras pessoas enganadoras para entregar seu dinheiro arduamente ganho.
Desejo que a FTC aperte a regulamentação no que diz respeito a esses tipos de modelos de negócios. O negócio do MLM tem sido conhecido por arruinar relacionamentos e laços familiares.
No passado, eu tentei vários MLMs e só perdi dinheiro e um grande pedaço da minha vida. Eles vendem o sonho, mas só dão mágoa e frustração. Infelizmente, a internet criou um ambiente onde os MLMs podem se afastar com o marketing de nada, como é o caso da Wealth Generators. Eu escrevo sobre MLMs no meu artigo The Heartbreak of MLM.
Você está tão certo. MLMs podem arruinar relacionamentos. Eu sempre vi isso acontecer muitas vezes.
Não tenho certeza por que a FTC não fez mais para reprimir os esquemas MLM / Pyramid, mas leu que esse esquema aparece tão facilmente que a FTC está em maior número. Além disso, existem escritórios de advocacia especializados em defender MLMs e atrasar a perseguição por anos.
A resposta, penso eu, para que aprendamos a ver passado o sonho que estas organizações vendem, e detectar fraudes muito antes de caímos por elas.
Obrigada por apareceres,
Diz Yunier Gonzalez.
Outro esquema MLM para os livros de registro! É tão louco como as empresas não se cansam desse tipo de marketing. Você está certo, pagando US $ 129 apenas para aprender a sobreviver a conta por conta. Quais são alguns bons MLM se você souber de algum?
Pessoalmente, eu prefiro o marketing afiliado, mas fiquei sempre disposto a tentar novos empreendimentos.
Oi, Yunier Gonzalez!
Não há MLMs que eu recomendaria. Um MLM é um esquema de pirâmide que foi vestido o suficiente para torná-lo legal. A razão pela qual vemos tantos MLMs na internet é porque eles são altamente lucrativos para as pessoas no topo.
MLM é um modelo de negócios falhado. Todas as despesas são empurradas para baixo nos níveis mais baixos enquanto os lucros são canalizados para o topo. As chances de ganhar dinheiro com um MLM são remotas para a maioria das pessoas.
MLMs vendem o sonho da independência financeira. É uma falsa promessa, mas muitas pessoas se apaixonam por isso. Eu fiz ao mesmo tempo.
Eu concordo com você, o marketing de afiliados é uma maneira muito melhor, mas requer compromisso e paciência.
Obrigada por apareceres,
Estou feliz por este site estar atento aos consumidores. Há muitas oportunidades para ganhar dinheiro. Procurei um pouco antes de encontrar a oportunidade certa. Uma oportunidade pode abrir a porta para outra oportunidade. Quanto mais você trabalha todos os dias, então você pode ser bem sucedido. Nada vem de graça, mas, com esforço e perseverança, podemos ser bem-sucedidos.
Você está tão certo. O sucesso em qualquer esforço requer compromisso, paciência e esforço sustentado. A maior diferença com o sucesso on-line é que, devido ao incrível alcance da internet, pode ser fenomenal e mudar a vida.
No entanto, ele ganhou "não acontecer com geradores de riqueza ou qualquer MLM. Esse é um modelo de negócios falhado.
Obrigada por apareceres,
Oi senhor ... te agradeço por esta atualização ... antes de agora ... Nunca ouvi falar de fugitivos até eu tropeçar com isso agora. "Bom é que eu estava agendado para um seminário com geradores de riqueza amanhã. Mas depois de ler este & # 8230; eu mudei de idéia sobre eles e sobre o forex .. Meio enquanto a pessoa que me apresentou ... falou sobre a alavancagem no forex ... Isso ajudará os novatos como nós a se destacarem na negociação forex ... Pls Qual é a sua retirada? Você é senhor.
Gary Horton diz.
Estou feliz por poder ajudar. EU NÃO recomendo FOREX trading também. É o risco elevado e definitivamente não é o lugar para um novato. Investir é sobre economizar dinheiro e colocá-lo no trabalho. Gastar e esperar que você tenha sorte não está investindo.
Se você quer ganhar dinheiro online, comece um negócio on-line. O Curso de Certificação de Empreendedores Online é um ótimo lugar para começar e grátis. Se você quiser investir, leia o "Guia de investimento único" que você precisará e # 8221; por Andrew Tobias. Certifique-se de obter a versão mais recente atualizada. É cerca de US $ 10,00 na Amazon. Tem muitos recursos sobre como investir da maneira correta.
Monica Bouteiller diz.
Eu definitivamente não sou fã de MLM e não gosto de ver as pessoas ficarem enganadas. Você está absolutamente certo quando diz que nunca investir em algo que você não entende. Eu acho que muitas pessoas se apaixonam por isso ainda.
Então, se eu fosse inscrever-se (eu não ganharia) eu teria que manter um certo volume de vendas, recrutar pessoas, incluindo a manutenção do meu volume pessoal.
Acabei de sair de algo muito parecido com isso. Foi muito difícil manter meu volume pessoal todos os meses. Eu realmente gosto do produto. MAS ... Eu estava acumulando muitos inventários mesmo que consegui vender alguns, mas não todos.
Finalmente, tornou-se muito estressante apenas para manter meu volume pessoal. Eu não sou bom em perseguir meus amigos e familiares ...
Estou muito feliz por ter lido seu artigo sobre o Wealth Generator e certamente irá transmitir esta informação. Obrigado!
Esquemas como o Wealth Generators sabem que seu modelo de negócios é insustentável para a maioria das pessoas que ficarão sem dinheiro, crédito, energia ou tempo antes de ver o primeiro brilho do sucesso. Qualquer modelo de negócio que exija que você persiga pessoas é um modelo falhado. Inherente em tal modelo é o reconhecimento de que o produto não tem valor.
Se o produto tivesse valor, na verdade, resolveu um problema a um preço justo, você não precisaria perseguir as pessoas. Você só teria que encontrar as pessoas que têm o problema que o produto resolve. Eu tive que aprender isso da maneira mais difícil lutando com quatro MLMs ao longo dos anos.
Como esquemas como Wealth Generators sabem que a maioria de seus membros vai cair nos primeiros dois meses, eles cobram taxas e despesas de cobrança ultrajantes. Em outras palavras, espremem todo o dinheiro dos novatos. This is a predatory practice and has the effect of shoving all of Wealth Generator’s business expenses down to the newbies and funneling all of the profits to the top tier. You can’t win unless you’re at the top.
Thanks for stopping by,
I personally like the fact that you placed you affiliate link within the first paragraph. The next thing, which is personal to me is images being linked…I like that! You’ve done a very good job and I took notes on a couple things! Keep up the great work and to your continued success!
Thank you GreenAkers!
Tyler arteberry says.
Have you heard of etoro? I’m curious of your insights on that !!
Gary Horton says.
I’m not familiar with Etoro, but I did take a look at their website and read their disclaimer. While the Etoro website is exciting, their disclaimer reminds you that the products they promote are high risk. Another issue I have with Etoro is that it appears to recommend following the crowd. In my experience, this is the last thing you want to do when investing or trading.
Speculative trades, like those promoted by Etoro, are not investing. These sorts of markets were created to give the large trading houses and hedge funds a massive advantage. However, for the big traders to win, they need thousands of small traders to lose. That will be your role if you trade in the speculative markets.
Because of its speculative nature, I would never recommend Etoro.
Before you put your money into anything online, I encourage you to study money management and value investing. There are books available. Also, Great Courses Plus, has a brilliant course called “The Art of Investing.” That would be a great place to start. You can find it here: https://thegreatcoursesplus/explorelp.
Esti Allina-Turnauer says.
I agree with you that people would be better off paying an advisor than putting their hard-earned money into some MLM scheme, but it’s important to know how to choose an advisor. They’re not all made the same, or necessarily put their clients’ interests first. It would be better advice to refer people to a FIDUCIARY, and not an ‘advisor’ who may be a broker who earns commissions by selling their investment products. A fiduciary is legally bound to put the client’s interests first – like a doctor or accountant, or lawyer would. A fiduciary charges a fixed fee. Be sure to ask questions before hiring an advisor to make sure they are serving your interests. Tony Robbins just released a book that includes info about this. Here’s a video about what a fiduciary is: https://youtu. be/rh4kNz0_e_w . All the profits from the sales of his book go to fulfilling his mission to feed a billion people. I hope this is helpful.
Gary Horton says.
Hi, Esti Allina-Turnauer!
Thanks for reminding me about fiduciaries. You make a tremendous point. I agree a fiduciary would be a better choice. And, yes, many so-called financial advisors are actually sales people. The Tony Robbins video you recommend looks promising. Mr. Robbins nails the fundamental problem when he asks, “Who can you trust?”
Thanks for stopping by and for your valuable contribution to the discussion.
Esti Allina-Turnauer says.
Thank you for your article. I’m not sure it’s fair to say that FOREX is the same as gambling. It is if you’re not educated. I know many people who make a very good living trading FOREX. In any market, you have to be knowledgeable, and get your emotions out of the way. WG has an auto-trading system for FOREX that supposedly have a very high profit rate. Eu não sei. I am not a member, though I considered it. I’m very wary of any of these investment programs that are also an MLM. My thinking is if the program is so profitable, why would you need the MLM to make money on it as well. It would have more credibility without the MLM part. I’m been in MLM, but am so done with it.
Gary Horton says.
Hi, Esti Allina-Turnauer!
Thank you for your insight into FOREX. I have several issues with FOREX, although as you mentioned if a trader is knowledgeable there may be money to be made. The same can be said for the game of Black Jack where there is a slight advantage to someone who can count cards and is knowledgeable of statistics, but for most people, Black Jack is gambling.
I cannot imagine an experienced and responsible investor recommending FOREX trading to an inexperienced investor. And, as you also mentioned, why encumber an investment strategy with MLM? Like you, I’ve tried MLM and I’ll never do that again.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your valuable insights.
He think he Has the member Fee for free every month because.
He think His money get more four percent every month. And he think he can Pay the membership from 4 percent. He think also He can recruit New members and get a passive income.
I said to him His money will get Burned.
What Do you think about it? Desculpe pelo meu Inglês.
Gary Horton says.
Your friend is taking a huge risk to just earn 4%. I think he will lose his money if he gets involved with Wealth Generators.
Again, I highly recommend that he gets the advice of a licensed investment professional before he commits his money to Wealth Generators. Wealth Generators has your friend emotionally stirred up and excited about making money. His decision to join Wealth Generators is an emotional decision. Decisions based on emotion rarely end well.
Wealth Generators uses emotion to trap people.
In any potential investment, it is essential to get as much information as possible and to consult with as many knowledgeable people as possible. The cold hard facts of investing wisely are never as attractive as a charlatan’s outrageous promises of getting rich. However, the wise investor must keep his emotions in control and choose a calculated path of reason.
Um idiota e seu dinheiro logo se separaram. Wealth Generators is playing your friend for a fool.
I strongly encourage your friend not to be a fool and to consult with a licensed investment professional before giving his money to Wealth Generators.
Please keep me posted.
A friend will Pay wealth Generators 10000 Dollar What Do you think about it? Will His money get Burned down?
Gary Horton says.
Yes, I’m afraid your friend will indeed lose his or her money if they give it to Wealth Generators. Please ask your friend to read my article on Wealth Generators. For $10,000 your friend would do much better to consult with a licensed and certified investment advisor.
Wealth Generators is an MLM. They are not licensed or certified to advise people about investments. Like most MLMs, Wealth Generators sells the illusion of wealth and uses greed to trick people into giving them their money.
Obrigada por apareceres. Please keep me posted about your friend’s decision.
Thank you for your work in helping to shine a light on scammers!
Gary Horton says.
Obrigada por apareceres. I’m pleased you found my site helpful.
hi gary. to me it sounds a bit like a pyramid scheme. over $100 per month is way to much. I hesitate to pay $30 per month. I have looked into FOREX before, a long time ago. I even have an app that I have had for at least a year and have never used it. i know in order to delve into FOREX, you should really be an expert. I am nowhere near that. I will not be using that app.
when someone says they will make you wealthy, unless you are an expert in the field of FOREX, i strongly believe that will not happen.
Gary Horton says.
Concordo. Building wealth begins with financial management. This means learning to control spending and saving a large cash reserve. FOREX is speculation at best and based on the different value of currencies around the world. The big players in FOREX are the hedge fund managers and money managers for large insurance and pension companies.
These guys trade hundreds of millions of dollars a day and have the fastest, most up to day computers. A small trader will always be behind the big boys. The FOREX market is organized so the small trader keeps the market liquid so the big boys can make all the money. All the hype about FOREX is to keep drawing the suckers into the market.
Thanks for stopping by,
I appreciate you thorough review of Wealth Generators. You mentioned Wealth Generators promotes FOREX trading. Does FOREX mean Foreign Exchange Trading? Why do you say FOREX trading is speculative? I thought a lot of people were trading in FOREX and making a lot of money. What’s wrong with Wealth Generators being an Multi-Level Marketing Company?
I have several issues with Wealth Generators. It’s an MLM that sells the dream of wealth, it’s dependent on recruiting others, it costs a lot each month just to be a member, a member must buy in at a specific level before they can sell that level and earn a commission and Wealth Generators promotes FOREX.
If a person is interested in investing and creating wealth. They need to approach investing and wealth creation with a clear and unemotional mind. Jazzing someone up emotionally on dreams of wealth like Wealth Generators does is all about selling something of questionable value. That’s the strategy of pyramid schemes.
MLMs are dependent on recruiting. An MLM is an inefficient business model that funnels money from the bottom of the organization to the top. If someone joins Wealth Generators they created a monthly bill they didn’t have before. That’s not investing and that is not creating wealth.
For the cost of membership into Wealth Generators a person could meet with a licensed financial planner once a month, subscribe to several investment newsletters that have been around for 30+ years and still have money left over to invest. And they would not be pressured to recruit others into the organization.
A licensed financial planner will never recommend FOREX. FOREX is not the place build wealth. It’s too speculative. Small investors are fed into the market to keep it liquid for the large investors. FOREX trading can also be addictive. Addictive behavior combined with your finances is a train wreck waiting to happen.
The first rule of investing is to preserve the principle. The principle is the money you start with. This is assuming you have already built a foundation of living on a budget and have a large cash reserve for emergencies and extra money to invest that you will not need for a long time. From that point, a wise investor will look for opportunities to invest and will assess each opportunity according to a calculated risk.
When it comes to investing the moment emotions are involved you are lost. This is why any so-called investment opportunity that excites and stirs the emotions is not a legitimate investment.
Thanks for stopping by,
A lot of work and information you did a great job, I did not have any clue about scam avenger but it is clear now.
Went through your website and it looks great.
Hope to see more on the upcoming days, will follow.
Take care, keep up the good work.
Hi and thanks for stopping by.
I appreciate your kind words about my website and Wealth Generators Scam post. I started ScamAvenger two years ago after getting scammed. As a copywriter, I should have seen it coming. Now, ScamAvenger is a my mission to warn others.
After viewing your website and reading the information you presented on MOBE brings the darkness into the light in other words, I joined MOBE in which cost $50 to begin the 21 step process. I made it to step 6 and that’s when the coaches wanted me to invest in their software which also cost approximately $3,000. The funny thing is this…I have not heard anything else from anyone in almost a month. Yes, I agree that it is nothing but up-sales so the actual scammers can take your money. I appreciate the warning in addition to the information you have provided regarding MOBE.
Thanks for sharing your experience with MOBE. I’m glad you saw where it was taking you before you put more money into it. Losing $3K would hurt.
As you discovered, MOBE is all about getting your money.
Thanks for stopping by,
Your site is one of my favorites! I always check first the reviews of any platform that I plan to join before hopping in and ScamAvenger is the one site I always go to.
I am very interested to try FOREX and I have completed a free online course from babypips. It looks to me that FOREX is good until I read this blog. Maybe Wealth Generators is a scam but FOREX is still worth trying, isn’t it?
And by the way, have you got any updated article about FOREX? The link opens an article that was published in 2018. Maybe a lot of changes has taken for FOREX since then.
Looking forward to hear your advice soon.
I’ll write a more detailed article about FOREX soon. To be clear, I do not recommend FOREX for anyone. Getting small traders into the FOREX market is a strategy to fund the market so big traders with super computers that make thousands of trades a second can make a ton of money. At best FOREX is speculation. It’s not investing.
Thanks for stopping by,
Olá. My name’s Geoff and I had to jump in and comment after reading this article. I first want to say thanks for the warning. Thanks for taking the time to build a website that reveals money pits like Wealth Generators. There’s other great info here too such as FOREX trading. I wasn’t very aware of it and will have to take a closer look. I like your practice of comparing the onsite advertisement to the one they list on the BBB. Funny how different they are. Well I was confused about Wealth Generators just like you said. I’m going to take your advice and avoid them.
Thanks for joining the discussion. Yes, unfortunately, the overwhelming information on the internet about FOREX is nothing more than sales pitches. It’s very lucrative for the affiliates pitching it, like Wealth Generators, but FOREX is nothing but a black hole of financial loss for the people who actually tried to make money with it.
On the front end, Wealth Generators appear to say all the right things, but dig a little deeper and you’ll see it’s just a pyramid scheme.
Thanks for stopping by,
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Oi! Gary Horton here. I've had a lot of adventures in my life and worn many hats. I've been a Green Beret, Army Ranger, intelligence officer, copywriter, and novelist. My novel, Some Glad Morning, a love story set in the Old South, is available on Amazon. I hope to have a second … Consulte Mais informação.

Is Wealth Generators A Scam? This Review Will Save You Money.
Wealth Generators has been one of the hottest MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) companies in 2018. They made a lot of buzz, they promised to make everyone rich and they signed up loads of associates (aka distributors) to promote the business to others.
If you are reading this post in hopes of finding positive information on Wealth Generators then stop reading now. Today I’ll be writing about the dark side of MLM and I’ll be sharing some details about this specific company that the people involved with WG will not like at all.
If you’ve been to my blog before you know that I don’t like MLMs simply because most of them (not all) turn out to be pyramid schemes, stealing money from easily influenced people. However, since I work in the marketing space, I can’t help but be exposed to a lot of news in the industry. This is how I come across yet another shiny promising Network Marketing businesses, the Wealth Generators.
UPDATE: December 2018.
Colombia’s Superintendencia Financiera regulatory body (similar to SEC), claims that the Wealth Generators is a pyramid scheme . The Financial Superintendence of Colombia made this claim against the company on December 16th 2018:
The Superintendency was able to verify that the mentioned company offers to pay “benefits” represented in money, to affiliates that fulfill the requirement of recruiting more people who contribute their monetary resources, which is the only source of money that sustains the pyramid.
The success (of Wealth Generators) depends on the recruitment of more affiliates who contribute money to keep the pyramid growing in geometric progression.
Superintendencia reminded the residents of Colombia that pyramid schemes are illegal in the country and the people participating in such practices run the risk of becoming involved in illegal activity.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the tipping point.
Wealth Generators – First Impression.
In this case I got very curious about Wealth Generators because of the people involved in it. You see, some of their top sales people were also involved in WakeUpNow (WUN). WUN worked hard on recruiting innocent people into its pyramid scheme for about 5 years. It ended up falling apart (as it usually does) and since a lot of people were losing money (82% of their members), the top recruiters started leaving the company, blaming the management, blaming each other and blaming pretty much everyone else on the planet except themselves.
Fast-forward a few short months and we started seeing the same people now promoting the Wealth Generators. These salesmen do have a talent at persuading gullible people into joining another over-hyped network by promising incredible riches and a minimum amount of work (if any at all). If you ever tell any of the WG “associates” that the business sounds like a pyramid scheme, they would look all offended and they’ll start yelling: “How can it be a pyramid? Pyramid schemes are illegal!” & # 8230; more on that later.
What Is Wealth Generators.
WG positions itself as a “proven plan to financial fitness and personal wealth”. Their promotional videos tell you that you don’t need to have any experience in trading or finance for that matter and that you only need to invest 1 to 2 hours per month to achieve financial success. This is the first red flag. Do you really think you can invest 1 hour per month and start trading FOREX (foreign exchange) and make millions of dollars? Top traders on Wall Street spend 60-80 hours every single week working, but Wealth Generators can show you how to do in 1 hour per month… seriously?
Screenshot from WG promotional video.
However, if you look up any of their team leaders, they will never tell you anything about trading on WG tools. They will explain that the real money comes from selling Wealth Generators memberships to other people. Whenever you enroll new members into the program – you make money. And this is, ladies and gentlemen, the main goal of WG – to recruit as many paying members as possible. So yes, Wealth Generators is a multi-level-marketing company. Like many other similar companies who went bankrupt or got shot down by the FTC, WG uses their “financial tools” as a front for their possible pyramid scheme. They came up with a front-end “product” so they could stay legal in the eyes of the law but it probably won’t last long.
What You Get Inside Wealth Generators?
WG offers some basic training on Forex as well as a forex software. They also offer you access to TaxBot, a software that will help you keep track of your expenses and income to facilitate your tax declaration. WakeUpNow also offered TaxBot to their members. Now TaxBot is a legit software, certified by the IRS (as far as I know) and it normally retails at $19.99, it also often goes on sale and you could get it for $9.99.
You also get access to a Forex trading software. This is where it gets more interesting. Their software allows you to trade virtual money (simulation) or you could start trading real money, if you are willing to risk it and the risk is very high. This kind of software has been around for YEARS and most of the time you can get it completely free. Forex software developers give it out for free because they make a commission every single time you trade real money. They don’t care if you lose your life savings or if you turn a profit – as soon as you put real money through the system – they will earn a commission. Maybe Wealth Generators makes money off of your trades maybe they don’t, their main goal after all is to have you enroll more members into the system.
The main concern here is the advice they give you on trading. I have not been able to find any proof that WG reps are certified by the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is illegal to give any kind of financial advice in the US without being certified/approved by SEC and similar financial authorities in other countries. They might get destroyed by SEC once the commission figures out what WG does, however I am sure that WG has good lawyers to protect themselves (at least for a while).
Ask any professional (and certified) trader about Forex and they will tell you the risk is incredibly high and even people with 20-30-40 years of experience in the field would usually recommend against trading forex as there is no way to predict the outcome.
How Much Does Wealth Generators Cost?
Wealth Generators membership costs $129.99 per month. However when you’ll be joining, you would be highly encouraged to also pay the one time fee of $249 so you would qualify for coded bonuses (and then keep paying the $130 monthly fee). But hey, if you bring in 3 other members willing to pay $130 each, WG will wave your membership fee. Their membership fees keep jumping around but at the time of writing this that’s the cost of joining WG.
What do you get for $130 per month? A $9.99 tax software and a free forex trading software. More importantly, you get the right to sell the WG opportunity to your friends, family and everyone else around.
Wealth Generators – The Pyramid?
If you are working with Wealth Generators, you’re probably already on the edge after reading this blog post. I know you want to kick me in the face screaming WG cannot be a pyramid scheme because pyramid schemes are illegal, and I understand you. Selling the “financial tools” as a product actually does make WG legit, at least temporarily. However, I looked through the content published by WG’s top earners and I realized that they never talk about forex, or investing, or taxbot, or anything else beside the recruitment. They train people by showing their compensation plan and by explaining that real money is in the enrollment of new members for Wealth Generators.
Wealth Generators comp explanation videos show us how you will get paid 7 level deep into the system (or pyramid). For example, your sign up 3 people. Each one of them signs up 3 people. Each one of them signs up 3 people. And so on for 7 levels. Here is an image of a 3 level pyramid just to give you an idea.
This is only 3 levels of the WG pyramid that goes 7 levels deep.
Wealth Generators compensation plan.
So how much do you get paid for enrolling new members into the Wealth Generators system?
They will pay you $5 for every active members. Of course many restrictions apply on comp plans and bonus but the general rule is you get 5$ per customer. Also they have this thing called clubs. Club basically means you are getting a guaranteed amount of money every month. For example if you have 12 people in your pyramid downline, you’ll make $500 plus $5 per each member (total $560). Of course people will fall off your line, many will see it as a scam and just quit, many others will be forced to quit because they aren’t making a single dime yet they have to spend $130 monthly to remain a member. The point is, you’ll always have to be pushing this “opportunity” on new members in order to make some kind of money. This is not a business, this is a job which requires you to trick people into wasting their hard-earned money by promising them easy and indefinite riches.
If you look at the Wealth Generators earnings disclaimer, they clearly state that: “Many Wealth Generators are UNABLE to earn ANY commission”. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Although Wealth Generators is yet to publish an income report for their members you could simply look at any other MLM report to get an idea of income levels. About 0.1% to 0.2% of people in these companies will generate 6 figure incomes. Yes, that’s the very top level of the pyramid. The owners of the company and the few top recruiters. Less than 1% of people will earn around 6-10k for a full year. More than 80% of people will not make a single dime and will actually lose money. I am sure it’s not any different with WG.
But What About Wealth Generators Money Back Guarantee?
Like many other MLM companies, Wealth Generators is registered in Utah. Utah is considered as MLM heaven because of their MLM friendly laws and low taxes. Additionally, the laws in Utah oblige companies to offer a 72 hours full refund to every customer. This time frame is quite larger in all other states. Three (3) days may not be enough for most people to realize they are being involved in a scam. If you look at the donations received by the Republican and Democratic parties in Utah, the top 2-3 companies that donate money are MLM companies (much bigger than WG). There are also several congressmen and women in Utah who are involved in MLM companies and publicly endorse them.
Wealth Generators also promises to refund you TRIPLE of your membership fees if you fail to make money with their Forex software within 6 months. This guarantee sounds amazing and very enticing. However you need to understand that there are very specific requirements to be entitled for this refund. You need to prove that you’ve been following the training to the dot (how can you ever prove that?) and you need to show them that you have done a required number of trades. Needless to say that they will find a reason why you didn’t qualify for their triple refund.
Also, most people who will refuse to become WG associates and will only use the software provided to them will cancel their membership within a month or two, or maybe even three months. People will pay the membership fee of $130 per month, they will realize they can’t make money trading Forex and that TaxBot only costs $10 (when it’s on sale). But if you cancel your membership without sticking around for the whole 6 months (about $800 investment from you), you will also be disqualified from any refunds. Tão simples como isso.
How Is It Legal?
I think Wealth Generators is yet another pyramid scheme. There is a very thin and faded line between the very rare legit direct selling companies and milti-level-marketing pyramid schemes that scam people. Whenever a new MLM appears they need to come up with a “product” in order to disguise their main structure – the pyramid. FTC (Federal Trade Commission) understands this and they often shut down such companies because they understand that the “product” or “service” offered is phony and simply serves as a disguise. However, the bureaucracy and amazing lawyers who are hired by pyramid scheme MLM companies makes FTC’s job very hard and long-lasting.
Sometimes it takes a few years for the FTC to review a company and prove that a company is in fact operating an illegal pyramid scheme and not a legitimate business. While the investigation goes on, MLM recruiters keep running around screaming “It’s not a pyramid scheme, that would be illegal!”. Earlier this year Vemma MLM company was shut down by the FTC for that same reason. Their reps also ran around in circles calling people stupid for not understanding the amazing opportunity of Vemma. However, when FTC shut it down for running a pyramid scheme most of the reps shut up and moved to yet another MLM scheme (I am sure some of them are now proudly representing Wealth Generators).
Tired of looking for an easy way to make money?
That’s because there isn’t an easy way. You can certainly start your own successful business online but get ready to work hard.
What Is The Future Of Wealth Generators?
About 99% of MLM companies don’t last more than 5-6 years. Some decide to shut down before FTC forces them. Some will declare bankruptcy in order to avoid refunding the members or paying out compensations (while the owners are laughing all the way to the bank) and some others will eventually be shut down by the FTC.
This is of course a speculation on my part but I see WG being shut down before 2018. The easiest way to predict the eventual end of an MLM is by simply following a few of their top recruiters. These people know what’s going on and they are the first to jump ship.
I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you haven’t lost money by joining the Wealth Generators.
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Hey, a very interesting article as well as your responses to the comments.
I was approached by my friend who seems to have gotten involved just recently and overall I wasn’t that interested in most of their offers. However, their mirroring professional trades and crypto mining contracts seemed interesting as I have been wanting to get into mining as well as mirroring traders.
Heres a quick break down for lowest and highest contract(1200 days):
lease contract: Generator Premiere.
contract price(CAD): 500$ 5000$
hashing rate MH/s: 11-15 120-150.
1st month pv: 100pv 600pv.
Pv after 1st month: 0 2-8.
Total pv: 100 pv 1300 pv.
crypto points: 1 6.
I have done some light research but it seems like you have more information and exposure than me when it comes to these topics. That being said, I would appreciate your opinion/advice.
How do these match up with other contracts in terms of hash rate and length? Do you feel it is somewhat fair? If not, what alternatives would recommend? Have you or any friends of yours used any such services? Have any of your friends used WG product/service?
The reason I am asking all this is that I am planning to sign up just to help my friend (I will be discussing the potential risks of their involvement in this program before doing so) as I don’t mind losing 229$ if it benefits them and doesn’t really set me back. Since I am doing this, just wanted to see how worthwhile it would be to experiment with their products/services matched up to other ones in the market.
With regards to mirroring, have you had any experience and if so do you have any recommendation of any service providers? I do understand the risk and am ok with it.
Sorry for the lengthy comment and looking forward to your response.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you about WG’s involvement into the world of crypto currency. As Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple are making a lot of waves we see more and more companies popping up claiming to make you rich with crypto. This has happened with every major tech trend and it will keep on happening.
Anyway, I do suggest you check out this resource about WG and Crypto.
You can also check out Investview (they own Wealth Generators). In their last SEC filing this company showed how they are millions dollars in debt and their shares have been plummeting for a very long time. Besides some people that got involved with them have some very dark history with SEC. I personally would stay far far away.
Excellent blog, I have a very good friend already involved in WG, he is already selling all of his uneducated friends to this, but he already double his initial investment. My advice to him get out of it as soon as possible with what you earn. If it is a “pyramid you loose”, that is my experience. Alex What about those off-show bank accounts with high interest accounts they keep money, could it go bankrupt as well?
Hi Summa. Your friend claims that he doubled his initial investment, did he count it how much money he spent so far and if he’s actually profitable? I’ve had friends who claimed they made a bunch of money with ACN, Herbalife and other MLM companies. Yet none of them were able to show proof of that. The lucky once got out within a few months only losing a few hundred bucks. The less lucky folks stuck there for years, lost thousands of dollars and most of their friends along the way.
Unfortunately I have not heard of “off-show bank accounts with high interest accounts” that you’re mentioning so I can’t really comment on that.
Wealth Generators has been nothing bu fabulous! We are now being publicly traded on the stock market and I have made over $700 last week from only one of their products.
Hi Jennifer. Unfortunately there is no way for me to verify your income claims. WG’s own disclaimer is “Many Wealth Generators are UNABLE to earn ANY commission”.
Many penny stock scams and others are also being publicly traded. Some menage to do that for years until they finally get shut down. Unfortunately being a publicly traded company does not guarantee the company’s legitimacy.
Best of success to you,
Wealth Generators are a big MLM scam. Remember the other scam these guys were running? Wake up Now? Logan Shippy is the front man for the WG scam. Fake reviews and lots of bad experiences from new recruits unable to get their money out. Anyone defending this scam is a recruit trying to get more people on board so they can recover their own money that they have lost in this scam. Stay well away guys, save your money and invest smartly.
Thank you for sharing George.
I am curious if you personally experienced WG or is this just an opinion? I am constantly looking for people who were members of WG so they could share their experiences with my audience.
To me it seems like you only know of one type of way to make money online. Network Marketing is what it mentions. Having a product, having others join and gaining compensation through your network. Now i don’t believe this a credible location to rely on for trading services reviews. If you do not know a thing about the trading world then I definitely wouldn’t suggest you comment on the subject. There are so many other subscriptions that go for about the same or a lot more for trade alerts via Forex, binary options, and stocks. A lot of variables go into deciding where to invest so for someone to rely on a person who only does affiliate marketing is laughable. Please people, do your research elsewhere and decide on your experience, risk appetite, and how motivated you are to make this world into a living for you and your family. I have many friends who are hugely successful with Forex and binary options. And that does not involve WG. WG is only but the beginning for subscribers to gain a better understanding and knowledge. Oh also, Forex and binary options are illegal in other countries due to culture politics and other demographic reasons. Just because something is illegal elsewhere does not make it a bad way to make money everywhere. Cheers and may God bless everyone with abundance, after all we are here to provide for our families and ourselves.
Thanks for your comment Abraham.
It seems like you haven’t had the chance to read my blog and realize that I have many different income streams and affiliate marketing is being just one of them. I wish you success with WG while it’s still up and not being shut down by the FTC or another authority.
What do you think of this website anyway? I think it may be the same system or something, or does it seem legit?
To be honest I have never heard of GEM so I can’t comment on it. I gave it a quick look and I have no idea what they’re actually doing.
Its really obvious how one will create time to come up with a nonsense blog like this just to build traffic.
Your script tells me that you are really uneducated when in comes to the 21st century business model.
Its so ridiculous how you know better than Robert kiyosaki, Ross jardine, Richard branson, bill gates, dobald trump the the rest of them when it comes to 21st century business model but you are trying to survive with you useless blog..
I’m super amazed on how folks gives you listening ear when your write up tells me that you are promoting something of your interest by criticizing something legit and true…
Never criticize what you don’t understand.
Oo i get. You are one of those folks who was in an mlm company but was so miserable and scared of becoming a better person.
Like part of those posers who join and want to start earning forgeting that every lasting success is a process of hardcore learning.
Learning leads to earning….
Wealth generators is the best thing i found since 1month now…
The softwares are working damn!! Like fire.
I even have proves of my payments..
Recruiting or no recruiting i make good dollars from the company daily. & # 8230;
Only fools doubt proves.
Keep on with your blabbings. Mislead a lot to taking you as a coach to fulfill your interest.
What works, Works..
And get to know.
Criticism never ever waver or shades of what is true. It only makes it shine, makes it better and expand…
So if you don’t want the company to grow, keep your mouth shut!!
Do your research better writer.
Thank you for your comment Crown.
Unfortunately I have seen too many of my friends get burned by different MLMs over the years so I do understand this “business model”. The fact that Wealth Generators is now being classified (and banned) in other countries for being a pyramid scheme says enough about this company.
I would love to see your results and profits from using the WG software. So far many people promised to show me their proof yet everyone disappears when I ask to see these proofs.
Last but not least. I had a choice of not publishing your comment however I decided that other readers must see the typical comment from a MLM member.
Best of success to you,
Before you create blogs that contain half truths, you would be very well served to do your homework first. .. or maybe you’re too used to trying to make your own money from readers of your uneducated blog. You want proof? Well here it is. Go to myfxbook and type in ryze 2.0. This is only one of the many useful products under Wealth Generators. The monthly interest earned from forex accounts is currently higher than any savings, checking, money market or 5yr CD in the U. S. I would continue with additional proof but I really don’t think your blog or comments are worth my own time to try to prove someone who is wrong even more wrong!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment Paula. I am happy to see this blog post struck a cord.
If you’ve read the post in full you should understand the main concern with WG. It’s the fact that most of their money is made through pyramid-like recruitment scheme and not the actual investments in forex. It’ll all make sense when WG gets fined or shut down by the FTC or SEC.
I hope that one day you realize people have spend years (their entire lives) studying the stock market and forex. Trillion dollar financial corporations haven’t found know that trading is a high risk since WG has found the magic formula to creating wealth should we have them contact them? Speaking of education how do you explain that most of their recruits don’t have a higher education degree? Because they make you think that they are useless? Or because they have a hard time recruiting people who are actually educated? You are a month in I know how does meeting go from experience. Right now you think I’m part of the 99% of the world who “doesn’t see it” or that is not an entrepreneur or that I don’t wanted as badly as you do. At this point you have started to see you family and friends as dollar signs “$” and soon will end up alienating yourself from them. Yes you might be making 100 bucks every now and then from a couple of thousands you put in this is something that can be done by simply reading about trading online. They teach you how to because a leader correct and influence others? Wouldn’t it be best for you to use the money, energy and time to come create something new? Again the o Lu reason I even comment is for others to see the reality and not to let themselves be controlled by others.
Pablo, good argument. Only thing I don’t agree is the relevance of higher education. I’ve seen PhD’s fall for MLM’s and there are more than enough stories of high school drop-outs building billion dollar empires. I think in this particular case what really matters is the lack of financial education or even basic understanding. As you mentioned, biggest financial gurus can never guarantee the kind of returns that WG promises. How is this not a red flag to more people?
And then comes the MLM part, the real reason why WG exists. Most recruiters within MLM companies not only fail to make a profit, they actually lose money. In fact, 99.6% of people involved with even huge companies such as Herbalife, Usana, Amway, Nu Skin and many others waste their money. These numbers come directly from FTC by the way. It’s beyond me why someone would consider joining an MLM when this kind of information is available.
Thank you for putting this out there Alex. Knowing the financial world I know how much work people put into the analysis of stock exchange/forex/pennystock/etc. I recently attended a WG meeting in LA where they clearly do not educate on the financial side of making money but on the recruitment of other members clearly a pyramid. A couple of friends have been wanting me to join but I refused as it is clearly a business waiting to get shut down. I met a guy at the meeting who was supposed to be one of the “leaders” remembered his name and with a little bit of digging and research I found out he was involved with another company called VEMMA that was shut down a couple of years ago for being a pyramid. Please google VEMMA and read about how that company was shut down. I found A LOT of similarities between VEMMA and WG the only thing changing is that instead of selling juice it is now a software. I really hope I’m wrong and this works out for my friends who are part of it but the history and odds are against them. The reason I write this is because they recruit people similar in age who are in a vulnerable position in theirs lives (college students/ young adults who are about to transition in a stage in life and feel lost) and promise them the stars by making them feel like they are profiting a few bucks every couple of weeks. I would hate to see more of these young minority adults contribute the little money they have with false hope.
Pablo, it is very unfortunate that they’re going after vulnerable people who simply don’t know any better.
I blogged about VEMMA shutting down in the past.
A few years ago there was another big MLM called Wake Up Now. Several of WUN top recruiters jumped ship when the news of WUN shutting down came out. Guess where these recruiters went? Geradores de Riqueza. And they will eventually jump that ship as well and simply join/open new MLM scheme to keep milking their downline.
Thanks for the info, I’ve been studying forex for a few months, and here in Mexico I got an invite to subscribe to WG, but as you explained on this post, it is so fishy when they just don’t even really seem to earn that much in FX but some of them say they have earned from other people.
that is just sad.
It is sad and it is how pyramids work.
I started WG in December. I don’t recruit. I got in for the investment, to be able to make trades. Because I’m in Canada I don’t have to physically make the trades. the software does it for me. Since January of 2017 I have made between 4% to 5.5% monthly on the money that I’ve put in my trading account. I leave the money in my trading account and occasionally add to it. Based on the last four months leaving my money where it is at an average of 5.5% interest compounded daily I will be very wealthy in a few years. You say you’ve never seen proof. I’d be happy to show you the screen shots of the monthly amounts I’ve made so far this year as proof.
Will I sponsor anyone? Talvez. I might share the idea with a few people some day, those who are interested in making more that 1.45% interest that bank gives.
I am glad to hear it’s working out for you and yes, I would like to see proof of 4-5.5% of monthly interest.
I took pictures of the proof, but didn’t have a way to post it here so unless you give me a way to show you I can only tell you, March 1 – March 31 $1000 deposit in my forex account – profit for the month $75.10 from April 1 to April 30, on that same $1000 deposit – profit $75.56 and for June 1st to June 10 (with another $2000 deposited into the account to bring it up to $3000 deposited by me in the account) – profit so far this month $33.21.
Hi Tabatha. You can upload screenshots to IMGUR or similar sites. I would also like to see your long-term profits (over 6monts – 1 year).
Also I would be interested in hearing why you need a WG membership and can’t use any other free trader software (as there are plenty).
Hello Alex, what about the acquisition of Wealth Generators from InvestView, now WG is going public for the stock market. Whats your opinion about that? There`s any background with other MLM companies doing the same thing?
I haven’t looked into InvestView and have no opinion about this at the moment.
What I’d like to remind you is the company called Enron. They are often referred to as one of the biggest scams in the recent U. S. history. Their stocks caused a loss of $78 Billion to investors and a lot of folks lost their life savings, retirement funds, houses and so on. Just because the company is publicly traded doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is legit.
I am curious what does Wealth Generators have to do with Enron. Since those days there have been law like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other fail government agencies that regulate these types of businesses heavily. I have done personal research into this company and find no real fault in them. Also they are publicly traded and have an A+ rating with the BBB for over 4 year. Better than most banks in America.
So before you start a blog and deceive people do your research sir….
The reference to Enron was to simply prove a point that even a huge corporation trusted by millions can be a scam. Sure there have been new regulations added. However, many publicly trade companies are still getting fined and shut down consistently. It takes time to prove a company’s wrong-doing, sometimes it takes years. So the simple fact that it’s “out there” does not actually prove the legitimacy.
Unfortunately your BBB reference is also of no help. This next bit comes from Time :
“The investigation showed extortion-type practices applied to local businesses: Those that paid annual dues to the BBB were handed accreditation and A ratings, while those that didn’t play along were given subpar grades, even if they hadn’t received complaints.”
The A+ rating on BBB is achieved by simply paying BBB’s membership fees. É tão simples quanto isso.
Good luck to you,
Please I will want to know more about TCC (Trade coin club) How real is the business or is it a scam. Is the company registered in the USA to actually trade on coins like Bitcoin and the rest.
I haven’t heard of Trade Coin Club and I will look into it.
From a quick look it seems like TCC doesn’t have a good reputation so I would recommend not giving them any money before doing more research.
The company also seems to be registered in Belize (offshore) and not in the US.
You are an angel. Please do keep up the good work.
I would like to become more familiar on how to make.
some legitimate income and the affiliate marketing sounds good. Been pondering over how it is does.
I had been approached by some individuals who call themselves legitimate.
I am happy to hear you found this post helpful Lisa.
A little while ago I did a very detailed explanation on Affiliate Marketing model, feel free to check it out here.
Very int resting reading all the comments and seeing some refer to Wealth Generators as a Pyramid Scheme. So what is a pyramid – it is where one at the top makes all the money or takes the decisions. Every business is therefore a pyramid and even the US Government with the President at the top of a team which goes down through the ranks to the people.
I was happy to join Wealth Generators and being in UK was able to open an FX Multiplier account which has generated 3.4% monthly over 8 months. This definitely beats what I’d get in a bank.
Wilson a pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products or services. As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit; as such, pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal.
Any regular business doesn’t recruit it’s buyers asking them to recruit multiple layers inside the same business. Besides, you end up with a product that you actually need and use. How many WG members actually use the (useless) FX Multiplier? Pretty much none. WG members make money by selling the dream to new members who in their turn sell the same dreams to even more people. Hence the pyramid.
The good thing is that WG is starting to get shut down in some countries. It might take longer for UK and US but it will happen soon enough.
Wealth Generators is not a pyramid scheme, it is a legal MLM. And so whatc if I have to recruit 2 new people every week? You have to go to work everyday, what’s the damn difference.
This is precisely the difference. When you go to work you just do the work, you don’t need to recruit any paying members in orders to make money (off of them). That being said, I haven’t had a job since 2007 because I’ve been making a full time income online. A real business makes money off of a product and not from new paying members from the “downline”. I have yet to see a single WG member who can show they are personally making bank from WG’s products and not from recruiting. There is a reason for that.
Blogs are good tools for people. Better when clear and informed. Is recruitment a requirement of WG… or another form of potential income if somebody wants to explore that?
Doesn’t every investment have risk and should that be disclosed clearly? Does WG hold people’s money or is it deposited into reputable brokerage accounts outside of WG?
I have personally seen the multiplier and it has performed better than any bank.
Are you aware that WG is part of a public Co now? Time will tell and always keep a close eye on any investment.
Blogs are good but should be checked and verified just like the companies they look at.
All members are highly encouraged to recruit. In fact many “top-recruiters” within WG will explain that the real money comes from recruiting new members and not from using FX Multiplier.
Every investment has a risk and there is no way to guarantee a profit of any kind. WG reps often claim incredible profits however they aren’t able to back these claims. As far as I know WG says that recruiters shouldn’t make any kind of monetary promises but they don’t really enforce or control the recruiters.
The money that people deposit go through the brokers. I have not been able to find any proof that these brokers are certified. Many online “brokers” are not certified and several are simply illegal. However they exist simply because it’s incredibly hard to control that online.
You also claim that you have personally seen the multiplier performance. Have you seen some “graphs” from a recruiter or are these your personal results with your own money? I am asking this because I have been approached by several Wealth Generators reps and they all say how they have “seen amazing results” however none of them was able to show me their own results… strange, isn’t it?
They are live in 74 countries and just added crypto mining to their product line. I too used their A. I. driven Forex trading platform and have earned about %3 monthly return. They are also monitored by a 3rd party. Apenas dizendo. Their not getting shut down in any countries. Just launched in PNG. Also, Vemma didn’t get shut down, they were investigated and was allowed to stay open.
Once again, the number of countries in which an MLM operates does not mean anything. I can build a blog in 5 minutes and agree to take orders from 150 countries – does that mean my business is credible and honest?
Please do let me know who is that “3rd party” that monitors WG. I am curious.
You are right about Vemma tho. They aren’t completely shut down. However after they agreed to restructure the company in order to get rid of the illegal pyramid scheme aspect they had going on a few things changed. According to TruthInAdvertising here are just a few changes that Vemma went through:
After the FTC action, Vemma, which was once operating in 50 countries and boasted $200 million in sales, shut down operations worldwide . Last fall Vemma Europe, which was under legal scrutiny in several countries, went into liquidation. The company is now operating only in the U. S. and Canada.
The June convention themed “Rise Up” held at the company’s Tempe headquarters had a “zero” budget and drew a crowd of just 200 in sharp contrast to Vemma’s 2018 convention, which nearly 8,000 members attended.
Vemma’s top distributors, including Alkazin, his wife Bethany (who was also named in the FTC complaint as a relief defendant) and their son Brad — a leader in the Vemma YPR movement — have moved on to other ventures.
Alex Morton, also a key leader in Vemma’s YPR movement, left to join Florida-based Jeunesse Global on the eve of the FTC action. He is now facing pyramid scheme and racketeering allegations . A class-action lawsuit suit filed in federal court in Arizona alleges, among other things, that Morton entered into a secret lucrative deal to join the Jeunesse skin care MLM at a top level and bring his team.
Anthony Powell, whose move from Herbalife to Vemma with his team was heralded with much fanfare, has also left Vemma and started his own MLM .
In short, it means that once they got rid of the pyramid aspect the whole business went down and it seems like it’s only getting worse. No surprise there, a pyramid scheme can’t be profitable once you take away the pyramid aspect from it.
I want you thank you very much for this article. A coworker of mine is trying to get me to join WG, but when he started to talk it immediately made me think of a pyramid scheme. Muito obrigado!
Always trust your instincts people. Even when saying “no” would probably make it a little awkward in the workplace (for me), at least I didn’t lose time and money.
Hi Karen, I am happy to hear you found this article helpful.
It is “uncomfortable” to simply say no in certain situations but it needs to be done. You can simply say you’re into too many projects and simply do not have the time for it.
Whenever I am approached by an offer such as this one I often ask for proof. Since the rep is promising I’ll make loads of money I simply ask to see their account so I could understand better if it’s for me. Every single rep failed to show me such proof. They all claim that they aren’t making money yet but the upline of their upline is super rich. Another thing I do sometimes is ask them to pay for my membership and I’ll reimburse them since I am guaranteed to make money. Well guess what, they aren’t excited about that idea either. No wonder…
Thank you so much for writing this. I literally was about to join WG and decided to do more reading and came across this blog.
No chance that I’m joining now.
I am glad to hear you found this article Emile.
Hey interesting review. What do you think of Amway?
I remember looking at Amway earnings disclaimers where over 90% of their distributors didn’t make any money and most actually lost money.
There is a very simple explanation of the industry in this famous video: Multi Level Marketing Enjoy 😉
Man Alex I thank you for your honesty and due diligence. I am currently joined in Amway and WG and feel like I’ve got duped.
I think it’s rather clear from my posts that I dislike the idea of MLMs in general. Even when an MLM company is 100% legit, their products are often overpriced and extremely hard to sell.
For example I do use some products from Yves Rocher – because they are of great quality and very reasonable price. Yves Rocher started as a mail order company however for many years now they have lots of physical stores retailing the products. And I do not need to become a “distributor” in order to be able to buy from them. I believe any legit company with great products allows the sale of these products through regular retail channels. If a product cannot be easily purchased by normal customers then there is something fishy going on.
Hello again alex. Daniel here once more. Btw thanx on ur response. Isso ajuda. So my buddy contacted me and we talked some numbers. When he asked how long am I gonna stay in the workforce, I told him I’m looking to exit in about 11yrs. So he send me a screen shot I guess from his accelerator thingy-ma-bob and here’s what he came up with.
Principal amount: 2,000.
Monthly addition: 150.
Duration: 11 yrs.
Interest rate: 60%
Inflation rate: 0%
What can u tell me about these numbers? I mean 900K in 11 yrs? You’re right the whole world would jump on those numbers. But are those figures even possible? What are they counting on to happen, or not happen, for that matter to reach the 900K? Again, thanx for any insight u may have on this. And I’d like to end this comment with: what kind of advise can u give me as to who, where or what I can invest in to get the maximum return of my money by the end of my 11yrs left working? In a 401k or IRA? Or elsewhere? Thanx again.
Daniel, as you mention yourself, 900k in 11 years for such a low investment is impossible.
If you want real numbers you should consult a reputable (and certified) financial adviser. Preferably one that earns commissions on your profit rather than on your initial investment. The truth is that your “buddy” only wants to recruit you into WG because he’ll make money off of your membership fee. Ask him to show you proof that he’s making 60% interest. He will fail to do so but he’ll tell you that the sponsor of his sponsor is making even more than that. It’s always “someone who knows someone” but there are never proofs of that.
And you’re wondering what are they counting on. They are counting on your money, because that’s all they want. They’re also counting to lure you in to become their promoter as they know you won’t make money with “accelerator” or whatever they call it these days. One thing I can tell you for sure, 11 years from now Wealth Generators will not exist. I am rather sure they’ll shut down in less than 5 years from now.
Oi. I’m currently being recruited by a WG “employee”. He says they’ve got a “phenomenal” 4yr track record with 25% ROI(return on investment) with their hands free trading system. Can u elaborate any on this? Here’s an exerpt of our conversation when I asked him about hands free trading:
Hands free is you basically put your money in your own brokerage account & set up what’s called our accelerator & forget it. lol your able to look at your phone & see what trades you’re in, profits & loses.. we are looking to make our equity/ stock market hands free soon that pulled in 88% ROI last year?
Care to elaborate on that as well? Thanx for any advise u can share.
The very first thing you must always remember when it comes to trading: There are no guarantees in trading. One simply cannot predict the market, ever. If a 25% ROI was guaranteed in anything, the whole world would be in it. Wall Street traders with amazing track records and 20-30 years of experience can’t even guarantee an ROI, let alone such high ROI. If you spend enough time researching this information you’ll find that it’s against SEC’s rules to guarantee an ROI in trading since it’s impossible to do.
The following information comes directly from Wealth Generators website:
“WG does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of, or otherwise endorse in any way, the views, opinions expressed in the Information, does not give investment advice, and does not advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment by you or any other individual. & # 8221;
This bit is also very interesting:
“Because Independent Wealth Generators do not have the data necessary to comply with the legal requirements for making income claims, a Generator, when presenting or discussing the Wealth Generators opportunity or Bonus Plan to a prospective Generator, may not make income projections, income claims, or disclose his or her Wealth Generators income (including, but not limited to, the showing of checks, copies of checks, bank statements,
email notices, electronic records, income system messages or tax records).”
Think about that,
Ei pessoal! If you missed it, there is an important update about Wealth Generators.
Colombia’s Superintendencia Financiera regulatory body (similar to SEC), claims that the Wealth Generators is a pyramid scheme. The Financial Superintendence of Colombia made this claim against the company on December 16th 2018.
It seems like it’s the beginning of the end.
What does this exactly mean? And the Colombia’s Superintendencia Financiera regulatory body, what type of powers do they hold?? Felicidades.
I imagine you are referring to the latest update on Wealth Generators? If so, it means that Superintendencia has accused WG of being an illegal pyramid scheme. Superintendencia is Colombia’s equivalent US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). They don’t have the power to shut a company down but they can and often do take the companies to court. Here is an example of how SEC works.
Thank you for your article and your discernment on the pyramid! This world needs more men who will lay the truth out. Obrigado novamente!
Interesting Blog and I learned a lot from this. Thank you so much Alex.
Thanks for reading Mar!
Thanks Alex for the Info. I nearly signed onto WG. Thanks for the eye opener. I was purposely invited to be a distributor and be recruiting people to get on board.
Stay away mate and dont advise anyone or recommend WG to anyone EVER! I am still with them and if you read down you can see what happened. Long story short a month ago I accepted a offer from one of the brokers, which was that they would double my money but I was not allowed to touch it until January 2017! However, what was not clearly explained and nor did anyone else explain (Inluding head distributors and recruiters who apparently have the knowledge) that my money would be required to do a certain number of trades. When I did the math based on what I had deposited againts the ratio being used to trade the money I realised I would need to wait atleast 2 years until I can touch my money. This was all after their so called master product The FX Simplifier caused us new comers to loose nearly 60% of our money within 3 weeks. As you can imagine I was infuriated and contacted the broker to pull my money who said yes I could but minus what they doubled it by! So now what WG are doing is trying to reqtify this massive loss they caused people by making a few tweaks and adjustments to the FX Simplifier, but this is extremly slow and I am simply holding tight until my money hopefully goes back to what it was!(so far not even close to 10% of my loss has been returned) And due to the loss people are pulling out, so people I had underneath me which were covering the £199 dollars a month charge are leaving which means I now have to pay that every month until I find 2 people. How can I possibly sell a product/service that has left such a bad taste and what am I supposed to sell to people? That…oh I joined but I lost money straight away but hey come join us anyway as you should think posative etc etc. They sold me a product that was supposed to do 4-6 trades a day, NOW its is doing 3-4 A WEEK! The founders apologised but never offered any compensation, I looked further and found non of the brokers were being properly regulated! Yet all this time all the recruiters in the group we are part of on whatsapp were leaving messages and saying oh its just a bad patch and making people feel bad if they left saying ‘oh you dont have a investers mind set, your weak, you have no belief etc’ YEAH they were worried that they would loose out on income due to people leaving because thats how the recruiters make there money! Shameful and disgusting tactics! God Lord I can go on and on and mention sooooo much more that I have missed out but to anyone who reads this I IMPLORE YOU DO NOT JOIN WG. (by the way I am so far £1000 dollars out of pocket within 2 months)
Thanks a lot for this blog much appreciated. I agree with few of the positive comments about MLM companies left in your comments section since it’s a fact if you put your time and you work towards your goal to have a residual or/and passive income generated by selling products on-line or recruiting people who sell their products gaining a percentage of their commission, then you’ll be successful. I’ve tried in the past a probably legit company and I failed due to my lack of effort and my unwillingness to bring others on board but definitely if many people make a living or a fortune out of those business it means it works.
Said that I’ve been yesterday to a WG presentation and in fairness they never mentioned 1-2 hours a month….but NO HOURS at all (??) as there is a team of 10 experts (why 10? who are those guys? how they do it? where are they?) that trade for you to pretty much double up your money each year, at a rate of approx 6% a month. Now not even the best traders in the world can promise a 6% monthly rate and especially in the forex market which is highly volatile. The 98% of the presentation wasn’t about markets and investments but purely recruiting somebody’s else that on the long term would produce a monthly income for you. At the end of the presentation I started my questions.
1) How can they trade on your account in your behalf across thousands people?
Answer: that’s their secret (. )
2) How long have you been in this business?
Answer: 8 weeks (. – bit short time to present it with such enthusiasm)
3) If the product you describe is soooo good that will make your initial investment (he produced calcs based on 1000$) grow to a bit more than 1,000,000 in 10 years are you investing real money in it?
Q: when did you start?
Answer: (remember he’s been in the business for 8 weeks) I started 4 days ago (he said it after serious hesitation which means he prob never started)
4) when I asked about the reimbursement obviously the criteria were extremely vague (you need at least to be in the 90% of the trades…ok which trades? A: the trades those experts do (. )
I was introduced to it by a friend who joined. Did it put money in the investments? A: no I have a demo account (a demo account in a demo environment always performs well)I asked him to put real money in it and show me after few months the incredible results of this investments. So let’s see.
Then I went home I found your blog and learned of the 5/6 years business cycle of those companies. WG has been in the business for 3 years as they said…so still early to consider it legit and reliable.
Sorry for my digression, hope this helps other people that do not understand much about investing to raise red flags when they come across companies promising a massive wealth without any knowledge.
Roberto, thanks for leaving such detailed comment.
As you have explained, the main business model of Wealth Generators is recruiting more recruiters into WG. “Trading” is a product they need to offer in order to seem as a legitimate company and not as a pyramid scheme. However, members who join WG because they actually want to trade get disappointed fast. Most people who recruit new members couldn’t care less about trading because they do not trade anything, they make money by signing up new members… and the circle goes on.
By the way, they might have removed the video presentation from their website but it’s still on their Youtube channel: Wealth Generators Intro.
That used to be their main promo video and this is where they promise that you’ll be making loads of money with only 1-2 hours of work per month and NO experience in trading.
Thanks for this review, based on what you have written alot has changed in WG over the last year. I joined 2 months ago and have all ready lost alot of money alongside a few friends who joined. They sold me a product or service (FX Simplifier) that simply didnt do what it was supposed to do and made us all loose money. They simply stopped that service admitted they were wrong about it and simply told us to concentrate on another service which they offer which is Daily Trade Alerts! Not just this but SO SO SO many other issues I have had from the start I simply could not curse the company enough! If anyone is thinking of joining my advise is PLEASE DO NOT waste your time money and effort. I am extremely disappointed in myself that I even considered joining and fell for this Ponzy Scheme.
It is unfortunate to hear that you have joined WG with high hopes and got what you got. It always sucks to be sold a dream to only realize it’s all fake.
As I mention in the review, they will provide FX Simplifier or any other software/system simply to make the company seem legit while the FTC does its job proving the pyramid scheme.
They don’t care if their systems work or don’t because the only money they really make is by recruiting new paying members who will recruit more members.
You have to admit these folks are great sales people since they’re able to lure new clients in.
Am so happy to have come across this blog today. I was invited to one of their presentations today here in Nigeria and I was considering joining WG before I saw this blog. Thank you mr alex for saving me.
I don’t get it..if the top dogs are truly into stocks why don’t they actually sit back and really use the stock market to profit and help other people progit…is it easier to sell a dream than to profit off of stocks….
Exactly that. They aren’t making millions with stocks, they are making millions by selling access to WG to others. Then they tell their “customers” that the real money is in recruiting more paid members and not in the actual stock market. This is why it’s called an MLM.
Hey, what do you think about USANA? Very interesting your review.
I haven’t had any experience with Usana. However a quick Google Search reveals some very dark details. One of them being a class action suit against USANA:
A lawsuit seeking class action status has been filed in California State Court on behalf of thousands of individuals who became “Associates” (distributors) of USANA Health Sciences Inc. … The plaintiffs accuse USANA and several of its officers and directors of fraud and deception. Among other things, the suit alleges USANA (a) exaggerated the business opportunity, (b) failed to disclose that 87% of active distributors were losing money,…and (d) basically operated a pyramid scheme requiring a constant churn in its sales force. The lawsuit seeks damages for distributors left with thousands of dollars of losses each after paying for business “kits” and products they say they couldn’t sell. Earlier this year, similar class-action suits were filed on behalf of shareholders.
I’d suggest doing more a lot of research whenever you want to join a “business opportunity” especially in the MLM industry.
Its quite obvious you dislike M. L.M. but i have been involved in M. L.M. since 1989 and have been very successful but i did not making millions from it and the reason for that is i did not put enough of effort into it .
Now i am involved in Wealth Generators and i am making money from my investments and i also am making money from my network and i also have got incredible value from my learning modules and training and its not just $10 taxbot you get its a lot more that that.
This probably wont be edited because its true and you wont want people to understand why you put up posts in the first place but every post like this have a purpose and yours is to run down M. L.M. in general and at the end you will promote your own agenda which seems here to be Affilate marketing .
I would like you to discuss the names and credibility of the people behind W. G and tell people about all the packages you get when you join W. G you only seem to discuss the negatives no positives and there is a lot of positives PRINT THIS.
Thanks for leaving a comment. By the way, posting your comment once is good enough, no need to post it 4 times.
I am very happy to hear that you don’t fall within the 80%+ of MLM distributors who lose money with MLM. Hopefully you’re in that 1% that make more than $6,000 per year.
And yes, I dislike the MLM model and I do in fact make it rather obvious in this blog. Great observation!
By the way, have you seen the latest episode of LastWeekTonight with John Oliver? It’s a great one, you should check it out. Aproveite 😉
What’s your opinion of primerica? I recently joined it an just got told to join WG from my friend.
I’ve heard of Primerica, I knew people who were in it for a while (and tried to get me into it), most of them eventually quit that company.
In general I dislike the MLM business and naturally I suggest against it. I am sure there are some honest and good MLM companies but it isn’t my cup of tea. I prefer building a business that can generate an income without me constantly trying to recruit new members in my downline.
Hi Alex, do you always erase peoples comments when they state a valid fact that you dont agree with?
No. Comments are automatically deleted if they use profanity or insults or if they promote a product irrelevant to the post. You wouldn’t believe how much spam comments a website could get.
I approved this comment in order to answer it but usually irrelevant comments do not pass the moderation.
There are some good companies out there. When picking a company you need to be passionate bout the product, does it appeal to all types of people, is it a stable company, is it the next trend in business, etc. You can always check direct selling news for info on probably most of the network marketing companies. If you are looking at other companies let me know and would be glad to help.
Hi, I am actually in Wealth Generators, and I learned a lot there…
1.They have an app full of videos, articles and material about financial education and about trader.
2.They have live sessions whit experts about financial education and PIP ROOMS, where I can be in touch with the professionals traders who send to WG the information about when and where inverts the money into Forex and make my own questions…
3.Wealth Generators send the expert’s information to you, call it “Alerts”, across you member acount, so you can sell and buy in forex exchange market and start to generated money without know exacttly what are you doing while you start to understand how to do it by yurself…
4…and i never see that about 1-2 hours per month! Maybe somebody say that for enrroll but if you go into wealthgenerators can be shure about is not like you say it.
5.English is not my lenguage 😉
Tenha um ótimo dia!
Hi Natalia, English is my 4th language so we’re on the same page here 😉
Since WG is so great, how much money have you been able to generate through their “Alerts” is it’s not a secret?
And the promise of No Experience and only 1-2 hours per month is in their intro video. The video has now been removed from their website however it is still on their official Youtube channel, here it is:
I am a successful business person – led a start up to $25M in traditional business model and am now in another MLM and totally believe in the business model if approached professionally and vetted properly. There are some great MLM opportunities and 90% of people fail as in traditional startups. It’s not always the fault of overhype. It’s usually that people get sold as a get rich quick scheme. This is not the fault of MLM but people too willing to pray on people with “dumb money.” Regarding WG, I tried it just for trading and lost money. If you can be available to every trade alert, you can do well. However, if you miss an exit, you can get creamed as I did. They have a Forex system that so far has lost money. Over time, they may get the kinks out, but my guess is their retention rate is in the pits which means members only make money if from enrollments and enrollments of enrollments.
Conclusion: Don’t avoid MLM because of this one and “one of those” should not apply to all MLM’s, but do avoid this one.
Thanks for your feedback Alim.
As I mention in the review there are a few legit MLM companies that actually make most of their income from selling their product rather than recruiting. Unfortunately those are so few they’re pretty much unicorns.
I do agree with you that most of these programs lure people in with crazy promises of easy riches. Like WG states: No Experience Required, Only 1-2 Hours Per Month… and you will be rich. It’s so sad that people don’t raise a red flag right here.
And Forex is another story. Money can certainly be made bit it could be lost even faster and easier. Trading always has a risk and in my opinion trading foreign currencies is pretty high risk.
Thanks for this information and could you please share the names of some of the legitimate company’s that require selling a product that one could maybe consider.
Vegas, pretty much any big retailer online gives you an opportunity to promote their products and receive a commission per sale. For example: Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Toys R Us… and the best thing? They do not charge you a single penny to become their affiliate. Find their “affiliate” or “associate” link, join in for free and get to work 😉
I was offered this today here in Venezuela, thank God I googled it and found your article. I feel like I’ve dodged a bullet 😀 Thank you so much, Alex.
Soliana, I am happy to hear you found this post helpful.
I am in WG, thinking of leaving because the FX Simplifier has proven to be financially detrimental since I started. Yet still, I do not believe this company is a total scam full of evil people trying to trick you into draining your life savings etc.
I appreciate the bluntness with which this review is written. However, you ignore the simple acknowledgement that the people at the top of these companies worked their balls off for their success. Most people who say they want success simply aren’t willing to do what it takes. That only 3% succeed in this industry does not mean it is a scam. It means that 97% either just don’t want it badly enough or realize that it’s not for them, as I have.
Are there dishonest people who use unethical sales tactics to get recruits? Duh of course there are. That is not WG’s fault.
MLM does not equal scam. It is hard work though and you either love love love it or you don’t. That being said, with this company in particular, there are many kinks to be ironed out where the trade signals are concerned but that’s about it.
Thanks for such a detailed comment.
I don’t doubt that people at the top of Wealth Generators work very hard however their income is not generated by trading FOREX but rather by recruiting a constant flow of new paying members into WG.
This is the real problem here. Another disturbing factor about WG is their promise that you will make money with NO experience and investing only 1-2 hours per month! That’s completely ridiculous and.
unfortunately it lures people in. An honest company wouldn’t make such claims as we all know it’s impossible to get rich by doing nothing.
Someone invited me to join WG today, being a sharp person, as soon as I checked out their website it smelled fishy and I instantly realized it was “another one of those”.
Great blog and thank you for spelling it out for the public to see, you have just saved so many people from getting robbed.
Naturally the thieves are going to hate you, just like those trolling comments up there “Oh hey I made so much money or he/she made so much money”, if I’m making so much money I would keep my mouth shut and keep making so much money!
I thank you for taking the heat for the rest of us, Alex!
Thank for reading Louis. There are a lot of opportunities online that will allow you to make good money. A lot of these aren’t a secret but you’ll need to work hard to get to an interesting level of income. However, it’s sad that people fall for claims such as “make a bunch of money by working just 2 hours a month”…
Sooo let’s say I join WG and I start making money. What happen if the company gets shout down or bankrupt? Can I lose the money I supposedly earned?
Gabriel, it really depends on what happens and hot it happens. Many MLM companies that went bankrupt did not pay out their distributors because well, they had no money. If a company gets shut down by SEC or any other authority, they will try to reimburse the investors but often it doesn’t happen.
Great article Alex.
What is your opinion on Amway?
Juan, when it comes to MLM, I think there are very very few legit opportunities to make money, however those unicorns do exist. However, personally I would not touch any MLM, let it be Amway, Herbalife, ACN, Tupperware or anything else. It’s a personal choice.
Hi today 2 friends invited me to participate in WG program, I have watched on their facebook page that they have made per week 800 USD, But let me tell you something First I´m from a town in Mexico City call Queretáro and YES this type of program is now in here and is getting really popular they even have metting and all that stuff in really nice hotel and beaches, I´m really curios about this becouse, one of them a friend from college quit his job and seem to be doing great, but now that read this i´m felling insecure about this, can you explain to me how are they making money if they are only 5 PPL, how are they winning that kind of money if they are only 5.
As all the people I want to make more money, I would like to have my own business as anyone and I´m about to join in so can you please help me and explain to me sorry for the lenguage but.
I just run with you blog awesome to read about this and more been from a different country.
First of all, have you seen the money that they earned or are they just talking about it? Every time I am approached by A Wealth Generators recruiter they promise me awesome results. When I ask them to show me proof of the money they made, they usually say something like: “Well I personally didn’t make that money yet but this guy who got me into WG did, you have to believe him” blah blah blah.
Another thing to think about: if your friend is the very first one to get people into WG in your group, he will be making commissions on all of your membership fees – that’s how he will earn money, by building a pyramid and calling it a business. Google “Wake Up Now” or “MonaVie”, “FHTM”… Herbalife is currently being investigated by the FTC, SEC, and DOJ…
Hey ?, good morning Alex. I enjoyed your blog it made a lot of sense. Recently I joined wealth generators and I sent an email back stating that I wanted to get out. They have this 10 day policy where I could get out with any penalty. I read their terms and conditions and realized this wasn’t for me. Everything sounded to good to be true. Now they sent me an email stating they would refund my money and they wouldn’t take any monthly costs out my account. If this is true great and if I isn’t what should I do?
As you said, if they refund you and stop charging you – great! Keep me updated on this 😉
The 10 day policy you mention is probably state specific as every state (and country) have different laws and regulations.
However if they do not stop billing you and do not refund you, you can probably contact your bank and explain the situation. I have noticed certain people getting some kind of arrangement from WG after doing a complaint on BBB. In any case, good luck to you.
I know two people who are in WG and they both make money through trade and people on their team also make money through. All young people around the ages of 21 and 20. Some even $1200 just from one trade and sometimes $900, one guy even made $1400 on just one trade. Yes they do make residual money too from bringing people in that’s true. But it’s not the only way they make money.
I have been approached by several WG reps on Facebook, through email and even through this blog. Somehow, everyone know someone who knows someone who makes money. Yet the people who praise the “successful ones” always seem to have an excuse: “I just started 3 months ago, I haven’t worked on it yet, I am still learning…”. I have met people making 7 figures per month developing apps, that doesn’t mean I can do it and I see no point talking about what “a friend of a friend of my cousin’s grandmother’s dog” earns. See where I’m going with this?
COMMENT FROM WG VIA BBB BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU IN REPLY TO 1 NEGATIVE REVIEW “Comment from the Business This customer was with us for a little over a month and was fully refunded due to his dissatisfaction. We explain to all our members that trading requires a long term commitment and we ask for our results to be reviewed over a 6 month period. Our trade results remain profitable and fully reported to all our members, each and every trade. Our members can see our full trade history and results at all times. It is unfortunate that this client was dissatisfied but we honored his request for refund immediately without issue. by on 3/14/2018”
So why do they claim “No Experience Required! Only 1-2 hours per month!” and you will be rich… Also a company that promises a refund should just grant one and not wait till everything gets to the BBB… where they kind of have NO choice as to refund. Nothing changes 😉
Cool post it opens up people’s eyes to WG.
Love the blog, would you consider selling it for a xx, xxx. xx figure? Please email me if so thanks.
And no, the site is not for sale.
Is MCA a legit company? Some people say it’s not but others say its legit..I Don’t know which side i should take on this.
I have heard a lot of “not-so-good” stuff about MCA however I have not done my research on them so I cannot give you an opinion on that.
I’m in WG. I’m in a battle with them right now over the 3x moneyback guarantee. One of the co-owners Ryan called, me yesterday arguing with me about my request for a refund. They are going to try and stick to their claims to the T. So far he has offered only my subscription fees of $850. I have supplied my trading history to them. Now they want me to highlight their trades vs my own. I have done that after regaining access once I put in my refund request they had suspended my access for over 2 weeks. I had to send an email threatening legal action in order to get my account reactivated so that I could see the trade history. I admit me and my upline did make some trades on our own in attempts to win some of my $$ back from the losses made by their trades. However, when I went thru and substracted out my personal losses/gains I was up. I’m prepared to fight then to end. Their “experts” have had huge draw downs week after weeks at a time. One way to know when their trades are doing good is to look at how many post you see on Facebook. When you not seeing much trade talk then you know their trades arent winning. They partnered with a co that supposedly has a algorithmic system without a losing day. They hyped it for months and had QG’s hyping it only to roll it to the top leaders only. Most of their top leaders arent really making their $$ in the forex markets. They are making it in recruiting. If you voice concerns about the huge drawdowns you are immediately demeaned and told to stop whinning or so what you lost a few trades. I have already filed a complaint with the AG in Utah. Next if they dont honor their 3x guarantee I will file a complaint with the BBB. My hubby works in law enforcement so we are preparing to go all the way with this. I will keep you all posted on the outcome.
Por favor me envie um e-mail. I am about to enter the same battle. Just want to know the outcome of yours and the process you took to achieve your outcome.
Liked the article. I am part of MLM called advocare. They never promote quick money and the products really do work. They state it’s a simple but hard business. I believe the are doing it right and have been around since 91 I believe. Quais são seus pensamentos?
Unfortunately I am not familiar with this company and have not done any research on it in order to offer any kind of advice.
I do see that they are in a nutrition/weight loss industry and what annoys me a little is that I can’t buy their products directly. Why do I need to become a distributor or find a distributor in order to buy?
You cannot buy directly because the company pays out the commissionn to the distributor based on a mouth to mouth recommendation. Thats the whole idea of this system, buying with his code lets the company know it was thanks to him that you found about this productos.
I understand how the system works and I find that it’s flawed. If the product is good, we shouldn’t be forced to go through a distributor. In affiliate marketing for example, you can go through the affiliate or you can go directly to the source if you think affiliate should not get a commission. Just imagine if you wanted to buy something on Amazon and you’d be forced to find a distributor first – that doesn’t make any sense.
Thats like comparing Apple to oranges though.
I don’t see it this way. If company sells a product or a service they shouldn’t oblige you to go into someone’s downline. This calls for a pyramid and that is a gray area.
So please for someone that really wants to use his computer to make extra quid at home and happens to be a good writer . What can he/she do?
I have lots of friends who are writers and in other jobs but just wanna make something no matter how little through the laptops …where & what can they do please?
In my personal experience, affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to earn money from home, especially if you like writing. However, the fastest way to earn an income online would be becoming a freelancer and offer your writing service to others. Check out sites like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, etc, this is where you can write content in exchange of money 😉
Greetings alex. And how do you get paid if you are from countries like Jamaica like myself?
If you are talking about affiliate marketing then you will get paid by check or paypal, depending on a company you work with. Some might even offer direct bank deposit.
Hey man, great post. It explained a lot for me. Got a legit question for ya,
One of the big players for WG is in my general “network” of hometown friends. This is in the SoCal area, and he’s been using traditional sleazy MLM marketing tactics to draw in customers (videos w/ sports cars, jets, travel, etc.) It’s an obvious pyramid scheme, but WG really convinces these kids (16-30 yrs old) that they can make money quick too. This kid is financially retarded though – his last video had him sitting in a private jet, telling the pilot that if he compounded $2,000 at 7% over 10 years, he’d have a million dollars. He also advertises a 73% average yearly ROI for those that follow WG guides (which you know is absolutely obscene). This is all on video, and this guy has around 7000+ connections through WG.
What scares me is that they’re going after 2nd language English-speaking families and teenagers all over California, and successfully robbing them of their money. He posts daily about needing help to take his operation to South America, where I assume he plans on taking advantage of more uneducated, poor people.
Is there anything I could do to help these people? Or just sit back and accept the world is a fucked up place? I mean shit, this is at least illegal advertising is it not?
It’s very sad and unfortunate that many people are very gullible and naive. Over the years I have seen many “internet marketing gurus” promising easy money without any effort and they succeeded in scamming thousands of people. Same thing is happening with many MLMs now: Become a millionaire overnight without doing any work! If it was that easy we’d all be rich.
Every single time I am approached my an MLM (Wealth Generators or any other) rep I ask how much they make and this is when it gets into an uncomfortable silence, followed by: “Well I haven’t made money yet but you should talk to John, he’s killing it!” blah blah blah. Then you send them a link to the companies income disclaimer where you can clearly see that LESS THAN 1% within that company make a good living (top of the pyramid). 90% or more lose money. These are facts and people involved in MLM don’t like talking about these facts. So that’s something you van bring up to them 😉
Well, i am from México, a schoolmate contacted me through whatsapp telling me about this, I think I was asking too many questions because now I am in contact with his “leader” or something, I already scheduled a video chat to get a better explanation, but of course, I have been doing my research in the shadows.
Although Colombia has different rules and regulations from Mexico, this Wealth Generators statement from Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia must be read by as many people as possible. It wouldn’t be fun for people to get sucked into an illegal pyramid.
MLM are more scarier nowadays. They now have this new sneaky strategy claiming ” Making Money without recruiting a single sole”,”trading hand-free without wasting hours on the computer screen”.lol.
“ImarketsLive” is the kid on the block. “GV” Global Visionariez is the Most Popular Team, and ALL the TOP MLM LEADERS are moving in and recruiting like crazy.
wow amazing, congratulations this was really helpful…i have some friends who are joining to WG and they have ALOT of people already recruted… I’ll link them to your post, so at least a few of them could open their eyes… obrigado 🙂
Obrigado pela leitura.
Unfortunately I’ve had a lot of friends trying to get me into MLMs of some sort. None of them succeed making money in the end.
Right now I am in a MLM that is very good, is not pyramid and have more than 30 years on the market and I love it. Because I have been in a MLM for multiple years all my friends that said no they invite me to any mlm they are on, like the WG. After reading your blog I am NOT GOING to wasted my money on WG, I feel sorry for my friends but their want easy money. Alex Thanks A lot for this amazing review.
From Puerto Rico.
Pedro, you have just described the exact issue. People want easy and quick money and there is where scammers deliver incredible promises of riches with in return of no efforts. If it was that easy, we would all be rich by now. The promise of quick and easy money should always be the very first giant RED flag.
this was really helpful..thanx =)
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